Ducks not laying!

Lover duck duck

6 Years
Apr 10, 2018
Hello everyone,
I have (4) female Pekin ducks and (4) female khaki Campbell’s ducks that will be turning 2 years old on April 2020. When they were 8 to 9 months old I was getting almost 6 to 7 eggs daily. I had so many I had to start giving them away. But for some reason they have stopped laying. Some days the most I find is 3 eggs and some days just one. I know they are not sick as my vet has checked them out and taken stool samples and everything is fine. They seem very happy they have a huge predator proof pen thats 900 square feet and an 8x8 duck coop. Can someone tell me what could be going on? Am I doing something wrong?
Okay, well another reason ducks stop laying is while their feathers are molting, or after theyve laid a clutch of eggs in a nest and are ready to sit on them. You probably collect the eggs everyday?

at 2 years old ide never expect a drop in egg production like that
Okay, well another reason ducks stop laying is while their feathers or molting, or after theyve laid a clutch of eggs in a nest and are ready to sit on them. You probably collect the eggs everyday?

at 2 years old ide never expect a drop in egg production like that
That’s what I thought, they would be too young. But they have finished molting a few months ago. I am really baffled by it. I thought khakis were really good layers, so even though vet has given them a good bill of health it still concerns me. Yesterday I found a tiny little egg compared to the huge eggs I get. It was smaller than a chicken egg.
i wish i had experience with ducks in florida

All i know is here chickens and ducks laying is affected by weather and also daylight hours. Shorter days mean less eggs, My ducks wont lay till the days get longer and the weather gets warmer

But in the morning iam sure someone with florida experience will be on! @DuckyDonna has lived in florida

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