Ducky DO'S & DON'TS

This is my favorite waterer for ducks. It does not backwash their muck back into the bucket. Every other waterer i have gets dirty inside too. This one stays clean inside. Just refill and go.
We have two of those in our egg house sometimes we have to take them apart and get the float mechanism cleaned up really good or they self drain out, overall they are a pretty good product if you keep them out of the Sun so algae doesn't grow.
Okay @Farmer Connie after an event last nite I had to clean out the duck pen today, so I took some pics for ya to go with some of what has tried to be conveyed with words, but pics can really help. This first one is the inside of their pen after the hay was removed and the ducks were all inside after I got thru chasing bugs..... IMAG2795.jpg ...there is hardware cloth that separates the ducks and chickens. Their usual nest is in the very back left corner and I left the core of it in there and freshened it up with fresh hay around it. This is after the fresh layer of hay bedding was put in... IMAG2804.jpg, their structjre doesn't have to be anything spectacular, but functional and safe. Here is one of the new carpet in their yard... IMAG2793.jpg ...the hay that is being used is wasted hay from the goats....mine don't eat much hay, so I will buy them a fresh bale and take their leftovers and wasted around the hay feeder and use it as duck bedding....after it ages in their yard I rake it and we use it in the garden.....pre-fertilized. This is a just cause is my young drake that is getting his signature white ringed neck and his green head feathers....he will look like a Rouen drake, tho he is a Khaki Campbell/Rouen cross.... IMAG2801.jpg ...hopefully most of what bas been said will make better sense now....:)

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