dumb human mistake- need advice


In the Brooder
12 Years
Feb 23, 2007
I have 9 eggs under a broody hen- tomorrow is day 21. I lift her up once a day to 'check'- you know, no broken eggs, no hen poop...today, when I lifted her for a second-one of the eggs rolled away , hit the side of the coop and cracked.
a teeny crack.....is there anything I should do???????????

Thanks, Everyone.

its in a vairly sturdy enviornment now as i found out recently the chances are it will make it gd luck
I'm glad I read this, because I have a broody hen, and besides giving her food and water, I don't know what else I should be checking for. We have no rooster, so I know her eggs are all infertile. I just want her to be healthy and happy until I can trick her into thinking she hatched some day-olds or until she gets over it.

Also, how do you move her to check anything? Mine goes ballistic when I get near her to change her food and water. I couldn't imagine trying to pick her up.

Thanks for any info!
THis hen is quite loud when disturbed but does NOT peck me. And, I have some hens that will draw blood even NOT broddy! So, I appreciate her gentle nature.
It all depends on the hen.- Wear gloves.
I don't keep a rooster but when she showed signs of REALLY sitting tight I borrowed a rooster and paired him up with some of my best girls for about a week.and this broody girl has done a GOOD job of sitting!
Here's HOPING for some peeps tomorrow!!

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