Dumbest thing youve heard someone say about chickens or Farm animals ?

The day i went to pick up my ribbons at the fair, a lady was pointing at a guinea going, " Thats a mighty big chicken "
OK, this is embarassing- but remember- I have reformed.

Little background: I married a Georgia country boy. I was raised and spent my first 34 years in Baltimore City. We bought the farm and I started doing wierd farm things. So, I go to town and find this store that sells baby chickens. Got all excited and bought a bunch, the girl sells me everything I need, gets me all set up. Hubby comes home from work, and as time goes on that evening asked me what breed of chickens they are. To which I proudly replied "PULLETS". When he finished laughing at my city butt he explained all babies were pullets. I had to call the store back the next day and sheepishly ask what kind of chickens I had.

So, that is about the dumbest thing anyone has ever said about my chickens.
my neice still wont eat my eggs because they come from a chicken's butt, her little brother says, " she can't help it, she blonde", I reply " so am I", he says, "yea but mom colors your hair"

I had a lady come by today and bought some chicks...she looked at the guineas and thought they were part turkey....
I just said no..and her and her daughters kept saying the word guinea and would laugh...
He meant all female babies are pullets.
My hubby still can't tell the Barred Rocks from the Buff Orpingtons or the Rhode Island Reds. I have to keep explaining that the Barred Rocks have white barring on their feathers, the BOs are called Buffs because they are buff colored and the Rhode Island reds are RED! He still doesn't get it. Oh well, he's cute!
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that's funny............

I saw my Buff Orp rooster (standard) mount one of our Ply Rock *bantams*, and I told my husband, "Well, at least we know he isn't gay." But of course, I was ONLY joking!
I sent a few eggs home with one of the neighbor boys (he wanted to eat some fresh eggs) but his Mother threw them away and said they might have Parvo or something..................
..........I am pretty sure that is the last fresh egg they will see from me.
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