Dumbest Things People Have Said😂😱

When my citified mother moved in next door to me (a lifetime ago), as winter approached:
"Do you want me to knit little sweaters for them?"
How could you not want chicken sweaters

(Website the picture is from https://www.boredpanda.com/knits-ti...oogle&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic)
Yeah you got it! And black and white cows make cookies and cream.

I overheard a mom group at little league discussing chickens and eggs and one was informing the others that all birds lay eggs the color of their feathers. I immediately think of my celadon quail, then robins and their blue eggs, then parrots and what these people must think come out of parrots. I’m already unpopular in the stands because I refuse to wear a mask outdoors, so I just sit there laughing on the inside.
I thought for a very small amount of time with out really realising guinea fowl layed dark blue eggs with white spots, I was disappointed to find out they where white

When I was quite young I though if you did not have rooster then the chicks would just disintegrate in the eggs and that was the yolk
I used to think the yolk was the chick too...

And my mom wouldn't buy brown eggs growing up because they were likely to have blood spots...

And I'd never seen a blue or green egg in my adult life until I started researching chicken breeds I would like to have...

The first thing I wanted to do was knit chicken sweaters...never did though.

Back in her 20's, someone sent my grandmother to the store for rooster eggs, she still swears and goes on when telling the story...

Clearly, we weren't raised on a farm. Though my grandmother's grandparents raised birds and maybe animals, she came close.

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