Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Never named chickens was always told do not name what you may eat one day

I'm behind on this thread sorry. Growing up on the farm we had chickens so we always had fresh eggs and chicken for Sunday or get together soon or when ever. We raised chickens to butcher, that was the way it was, never thought twice about going out to the coop when they were all on the roost, taking a J hook fastened to the end of and old broom handle and getting one at night for a meal the next day. I remember one weekend during summer we got up early because we were going to butcher the birds we had hatched from an incubator so we would have chicken all winter long. I'm not sure how many we did that day, maybe 25-30. I can see the huge pot of boiling water, my mom wringing their necks, my older brother and i using a chopping block till we had nothing left to do but dip them in the boiling water and pluck them. Still today I can smell the stench of the feathers as we plucked each and every one of them.

Not one of those chickens had names.

Fast forward to May of this year, I bought 10 guineas, 16 chickens from Atwoods. As they grew up I began to name them, feed them sweet corn from a can until they would eat out of my hand, come running to me anytime I was outside. Now they are big enough to butcher and I'm wondering if I will be able to see it through. I tell myself I can and I know why I raised them, but I also know it will not be as much fun as it was when I was 10 years old. So next time I WILL NOT name any of my chickens.
Quote: Ya know it isn't as easy for BF he isn't against it by any means just not thrilled
me I am mostly blind so me a little ax do not mix anymore if you know what I mean
I am going to try plucking hoping the arthritis in hands will let me finish one a day
but it will only be roo's from my 2 incubators
Ya know it isn't as easy for BF he isn't against it by any means just not thrilled
me I am mostly blind so me a little ax do not mix anymore if you know what I mean
I am going to try plucking hoping the arthritis in hands will let me finish one a day
but it will only be roo's from my 2 incubators
Plucking actual works better if you have a gentle touch. My husband rips the skin all to shreds when he does the plucking. I get to pluck all the birds myself now. He tried. He really did. But he just can't manage a light touch. The only tough feathers to get out are the wing and the tail feathers, but if you do those first, right after scalding, they come out easy. You just rub the rest of the feathers right off. It's a similar motion to how you would pet a dog with thick fur.
This is our first year raising chickens. My husband also said don't name the chickens. He grew up with chickens so he is the wise one! After we plucked our first meat chickens, we gave some to my mother in law. She said she didn't taste any difference between it and store bought. Guess who's not getting any more fresh chicken.
There's a younger member in my 4-H club, who love chickens and learning about them. But her dad will only eat store bought eggs. He thinks that our fresh eggs aren't sanitary enough. His daughter, who loves our fresh eggs joked that I could put my Leghorn eggs in one of the cartons they usually bought from the store and give them to him. I was tempted, but... My leghorns didn't do a very good job at laying normal shaped eggs (except one).

This is Dewy: She's the white chick. The person at the feed store we got her at didn't believe she was an EE. Because she wasn't squirrely like the others they labeled her as the other kind of chicken they had in: a black sex-link.
We knew she was an EE and tried to tell them, but they were very adamant. How did the person NOT realize that Black Sex-links are black. Black sex-links were cheaper though, so it's their loss.
There's a younger member in my 4-H club, who love chickens and learning about them. But her dad will only eat store bought eggs. He thinks that our fresh eggs aren't sanitary enough. His daughter, who loves our fresh eggs joked that I could put my Leghorn eggs in one of the cartons they usually bought from the store and give them to him. I was tempted, but... My leghorns didn't do a very good job at laying normal shaped eggs (except one).

This is Dewy: She's the white chick. The person at the feed store we got her at didn't believe she was an EE. Because she wasn't squirrely like the others they labeled her as the other kind of chicken they had in: a black sex-link.
We knew she was an EE and tried to tell them, but they were very adamant. How did the person NOT realize that Black Sex-links are black. Black sex-links were cheaper though, so it's their loss.
Now, this is a post that really really belongs on this thread. It slays me how someone can be hired to work at a feed store, and work there for at least a week, and not learn even the bare basics.

But... I once ordered 1/4# of roast beef at the deli counter. The girl gave me a perplexed look, wrinkled up her face, and said... "Are you sure?" I said, "Yep, I don't want it to go bad, so I only want 1/4#." So, while she sliced the beef, I went to get the rolls. Came back and she handed me a bag with a tiny little shred of beef in it. "Huh?" So, I had to give her a math lesson: 1# = 16 oz. 1/4# = 4 oz. or, .25#. She still couldn't figure it out. I had to tell her to start slicing, and I'd tell her when to stop.

Back to eggs and the like: Worked with a girl who would buy my eggs for her husband. But, he had to cook them, because she wouldn't touch an egg. As she got a bit older she got braver. She would actually buy the packaged chicken at the grocery store. But he had to cook it, cause she couldn't stand looking at it, and certainly couldn't touch it. Fast forward an other year. She had a melt down late one night because some "chicken juice" spilled on the kitchen floor, and she had run out of bleach wipes. This is a mother with 2 children to feed.
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