Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

You could have heightened taste sensitivity right now. Enjoy it! Come back after the baby is born, and tell us if Silkie eggs continue to be superior!!! Wishing you the best with your pregnancy, and a speedy and safe, easy delivery.
Wow! Lol I've had sone people out that were considering getting some chickens.
I was shocked when they asked what the difference between a rooster/cock and a hen/pullet was. They were clearly transplants from the city. I explained it was their gender and the role of both in a laying flock. I also pointed them to BYC for research. They knew nothing and wouldn't even hold a chick... Now I don't mind teaching people it wasn't that long ago that DH2B and I were newbies but we were never that bad. Lol but I do admit I looked at them and said if you're going to have chickens you're going to have to be able to hold and take care of them. That won't work if you're afraid.

I heard back from them a few weeks later they decided to wait on chickens.

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