Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

I'm sure everyone has heard this one, but it is my favorite: "If you don't pick up your eggs, you'll get baby chicks."
Umm, no I won't. I don't have a rooster. The eggs aren't fertile. It always amazes me that educated adults think this. My mom gave me the birds and the bees talk at age 5 when I asked where babies came from, so maybe I intuited that this also applied to animals at an earlier age than most city folk, but I don't know why people can't figure out that if humans, dogs, horses etc. need both a male and female to make babies that the same thing also applies to chickens.
I'm sure everyone has heard this one, but it is my favorite: "If you don't pick up your eggs, you'll get baby chicks."
Umm, no I won't. I don't have a rooster. The eggs aren't fertile. It always amazes me that educated adults think this. My mom gave me the birds and the bees talk at age 5 when I asked where babies came from, so maybe I intuited that this also applied to animals at an earlier age than most city folk, but I don't know why people can't figure out that if humans, dogs, horses etc. need both a male and female to make babies that the same thing also applies to chickens.

I have a broody hen who hasn't figured it out, either. Of course she's a Buff Orp; what I refer to as the dumb buxom blondes of the flock. Sad how some people aren't any smarter than the average chicken.

I'm sure everyone has heard this one, but it is my favorite: "If you don't pick up your eggs, you'll get baby chicks."
Umm, no I won't. I don't have a rooster. The eggs aren't fertile. It always amazes me that educated adults think this. My mom gave me the birds and the bees talk at age 5 when I asked where babies came from, so maybe I intuited that this also applied to animals at an earlier age than most city folk, but I don't know why people can't figure out that if humans, dogs, horses etc. need both a male and female to make babies that the same thing also applies to chickens.
but don't chickens need roosters need roosters to lay eggs? I gotta be really diplomatic with clients when they ask me that question.
One of my husband's co-workers virtually yelled at my husband that free-range eggs from our farm aren't any different or better than commercial eggs from the store. I would venture to say that he's never had a free-range egg. Also, when my SIL found out we had gotten chickens, she asked us in sheer disgust, "What's the point of having chickens?"

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