Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

What ever happened to Natural Selection? Shouldn't people this stupid get bred out of the gene pool?

I'm not even gonna touch that one!
My mother wrecked her little Chevy, and bugged my brother until he found a sweet little Honda Civic for her. She insisted I come over and show her how to start it because the manual confused her. (Turn the key to first, second and third positions, then release ... Just like all cars) Getting nowhere fast on the phone, I went over and showed her. She then wanted me to show her how to drive it. Puzzled, I complied. A few weeks later she wanted another lesson. After 2 months, I realized she still wasn't driving it.

ME: mom, why aren't driving your car?

MOM: wait for it .... Wait ... "I've never driven Japanese before".


Hand to God, I did not make this up.
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Speaking of nervy neighbors, a while back, I was dividing my overgrown iriis bed. Those I didn't replant, I gave away. The overflow filled more than one wagon heaped high. My neighbor came over and I asked if she wanted some of the surplus.

NN: what color are they?

ME: all colors.

NN: you don't know which is which?

ME: Heavens, no.

NN: I think I'll wait till the ones you replanted bloom next year, and take the ones I like.

ME: (nicely, but clearly) ummmmm. Noooo. Those are the ones *I'm* keeping for myself. The ones in the wagon are the ones I'm giving away.

NN: (looking shocked I'd speak to her that way) oh. Well, then, never mind.

When I told her 50 year old daughter when she was visiting the following year, she said "MOTHER!"

NN: tee-here

I'm sad to hear that we aren't the only ones seeing this unmitigated gall in the world today. I could write a book on the times here in the past few years when someone has presumed to ask for things that were just incredible and incredibly rude. Had a neighbor go to town and buy 100 chicks at TSC, drive back to our place and ask if I could take them and care for them until he found or built a place to keep them...the man was in the process of moving and had no place built for chickens at either home and the other home had to have people evicted out of it before he could move in. Fortunately I could honestly say my spare pen was occupied and I had no place for them.

Prior to this, he wanted to gift us a dog and we told him we didn't want a dog....he kept insisting we needed this dog. I told him that my mother would merely shoot the dog if he left it here(we were leaving out of town for the weekend and he knew it). What do you know, when we came home 3 days later to a big ol' wild acting mutt was chained to a tree stump, no water or food in sight...meanwhile he goes back to his other home at the other end of the state, leaving us to hold the bag. Mom took it up in the woods and put it down.

He called 2 wks later asking how the dog was...I told him it was resting comfortably. He was quite put out about all of that, but not too put out to continue to try and use us for a depository for his animals.

The other day some city kids were here and the 13 yr old girl spied the eggs in a basket on my counter. She rubbed her hands together and said, "Eggs!!! Do you have a carton, I want to take some of these home." No asking, no lead up to it, nothing...just ask for a carton so she could avail herself of our food supply. And that was just ONE of the many statements made that day that were socially rude and presumptuous and the mother didn't once correct her children. Mother and I had to keep picking our jaws off the floor all day long in order to walk comfortably.
Speaking of nervy neighbors, a while back, I was dividing my overgrown iriis bed. Those I didn't replant, I gave away. The overflow filled more than one wagon heaped high. My neighbor came over and I asked if she wanted some of the surplus.

NN: what color are they?

ME: all colors.

NN: you don't know which is which?

ME: Heavens, no.

NN: I think I'll wait till the ones you replanted bloom next year, and take the ones I like.

ME: (nicely, but clearly) ummmmm. Noooo. Those are the ones *I'm* keeping for myself. The ones in the wagon are the ones I'm giving away.

NN: (looking shocked I'd speak to her that way) oh. Well, then, never mind.

When I told her 50 year old daughter when she was visiting the following year, she said "MOTHER!"

NN: tee-here

That's AWEFUL!
I knew someone in 8th grade that refused to eat eggs because he thought it was eating unborn chicks. I had to explain that commercial eggs aren't fertile (this was before stores starting sell fertile eggs). He still didn't believe me. How he managed to pass biology, I will never know.
A young man was puzzled when he heard that a new mother was planning to use a breast pump. He was not the brightest crayon in the box. As a matter of fact, I don't think he even had a box. However he was a basketball player. So, the follow up question regarding the breast pump.... Are you ready????? A breast pump? Does that fill it up with air so the milk can come out?
A young man was puzzled when he heard that a new mother was planning to use a breast pump.  He was not the brightest crayon in the box.  As a matter of fact, I don't think he even had a box.  However he was a basketball player.  So, the follow up question regarding the breast pump....  Are you ready?????  A breast pump?  Does that fill it up with air so the milk can come out?  

Try this one....... A person " do you get eggs off your chickens ?"
My reply "yes quite a few "
A person " Are they boys or girls ?"
My reply " have you ever had eggs off a cockerel ?"
A person " errrrm I am not sure "

O dear lol

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