Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Try this one....... A person " do you get eggs off your chickens ?"
My reply "yes quite a few "
A person " Are they boys or girls ?"
My reply " have you ever had eggs off a cockerel ?"
A person " errrrm I am not sure "

O dear lol

did you ever get babies out of a man? (Male)
Oops.didnt mean to hit send. Anyway 7 hens no rooster. This is their first time having bird's. They've been here 20 some yrs but are still city-minded. I have 2 roos and 1 visits their birds off and on all day. My sister in law is sickened by the thot of her eggs being fertilized. One day last week brother told me she was making something with eggs and 2 had a tiny red streak in them. They thru them away!!! Mom and I were both like 'oh brother!' How dumb can you be? Lol I then told him that I often see what looks like an embryo the size of a pin head. I eat it anyway. It's still a good egg and if it is an embryo, so? You can't taste it and btw, isn't it chicken?

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