Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Back in 1980 something my brother rescued a yellow fluff ball from the side of the rd in the rain no less. We raised it and called it Mr Peeps. One day Mr Peeps laid an egg on my dad's tractor. Was hard to call her Mr after that. Lol But Peeps got to be in a Christmas play at church with me. I played a townsperson selling in the market place when Mary and Joseph came to town. I wrapped a white towel around her butt to catch any droppings. She did well since she was so take. People thot it was funny having a live animal in the building. Lol
Thanks for all the great info! Even though it started with dumb questions lol

Do you think it would help arthritis or joint problems? Cause my dad has a bad hip, he got one replaced in October (and they fractured his femur in the process) but now his other one hurts cause he was putting his weight on it for a while. He wants to eventually get it replaced too but for now it just hurts. And he also claims he can't move or walk much cause his leg starts hurting but personally I think it might hurt more because he doesn't move. But it's kind of a catch 22, moving hurts it but moving more would help it. He's also overweight, he's 6' 3" and like 300 pounds, maybe a little more, idk, he never shares, so that adds to it i think and eating poorly.

sorry, that was kind of irrelevant haha

And ahhh okay, that makes sense. I guess I've always heard it said they need food out all the time but maybe not. I'm gonna start free ranging more I think and when I do they don't tend to eat as much food. But they also fly up on the coop roof multiple times daily so that helps stay a little in shape i think. Sometimes they fly 4-5 feet straight up to the roof peak, others land on the nest boxes, about 2-3 feet high, first then hop up. Keeps their wings flapping though.

It always makes me sad, and a little mad, when people over feed their dogs so much they turn round. How do they not see how fat they are? Especially small dogs it's more sad but any dogs. And cats. And also how everyone thinks labs are supposed to be fat. English Labs are a little stockier, sure, but people keep them obese. I admit my dog is a little bit overweight now but the vet didn't say anything. He's actually looking a tad skinny. I think he's just not extremely fit, he could use getting in shape. His hips are bad too and he's got a recurring leg injury plus I'm lazy so he doesn't exercise much or at all. Sleeps all day. Part of it is breed and that he's big to walk and the injury but I need to start. It might help. Maybe swimming? He's free fed because as a puppy he was scheduled but then he would refuse to eat for a week, not sure when we switched. But he's not a typical Lab or Lab mix and actually can be picky with food. Our old Lab would have eaten the whole bowl if we left food out. Not Gator. We used to fill it with like 8 cups and it took him days or a week to eat it but now we only put in the amount for one day (well admittedly I put enough for 2 days in lately) as well as switching to a better food and a food he likes. He ate more on worse foods. He honestly generally eats maybe 3 or 4 cups if that when theoretically a dog of his size should, according to most bags, be eating 5 or 6 cups a day. We put that much in but he doesn't eat it unless he exercises. But I do think he needs more exercise. As do I. Maybe we'll start walking together.

Sorry I keep going off on tangents

Can't give much advice about your dad but my Labs always eat 2-2 1/2 c. of food per day. If I fed them any more than that they'd be horribly obese...and these are outside dogs getting plenty of exercise. My LGD gets 4 c. per day only. I can't imagine how fat and lazy they would be if I fed them even a half cup more feed than they get every day. If they were house dogs I'd have to feed even less than they currently eat.

My niece fed her housecat what the bag recommends and now the cat is horribly obese and can barely walk. Can't imagine why anyone thinks the back of the feed bag is the authority on how an individual animal eats as they all have different metabolism and activity levels.
Can't give much advice about your dad but my Labs always eat 2-2 1/2 c. of food per day.  If I fed them any more than that they'd be horribly obese...and these are outside dogs getting plenty of exercise.   My LGD gets 4 c. per day only.   I can't imagine how fat and lazy they would be if I fed them even a half cup more feed than they get every day.   If they were house dogs I'd have to feed even less than they currently eat. 

My niece fed her housecat what the bag recommends and now the cat is horribly obese and can barely walk.   Can't imagine why anyone thinks the back of the feed bag is the authority on how an individual animal eats as they all have different metabolism and activity levels. 

Really? Wow that seems so little but I guess that's probably what most should be. Should have clarified he's half Black Lab and half Great Pyrenees. He was 137 at the vet last month but he really probably, imo, should be 130 or less. Maybe even 125.

And sorry, I know I mentioned the bag but I don't actually think the bag is authority or anything like that but it's just this particular feed suggests a lot less than most bags because it's a little better quality or higher protein or something. I do agree that most of the commercial ones suggest way too much, some of them say like 8 or 10 cups which is crazy. And cans of feed that say like 1 can per 10 pounds of body weight. For Gator that would be like 12, 13 cans.... just absolutely insane. And people wonder why there's a dog (and people) obesity problem in America.... but I actually think that for a dog his size 5 cups is fairly reasonable. And I may be remembering it wrong, on one of the bags it did recommend around 4 cups and I thought it was low but maybe I should follow it. He doesn't tend to eat very much which I suppose is probably fine. But my dad also gives him lots of scraps and I give treats, we both need to stop. He even feeds from the table. So it's no wonder he doesn't eat as much food. I think he needs more exercise is what he needs. But thankfully he tends to just eat what he needs and no more and maintains it. But being part Lab he can't resist the scraps so if we cut that out completely and start exercising a lot I think he would maintain his own weight very well.
@Beekissed as you know most veterinary did not study nutrition animals like humans
need to have exercise even if it hurts it will hurt less to keep moving
Really? Wow that seems so little but I guess that's probably what most should be. Should have clarified he's half Black Lab and half Great Pyrenees. He was 137 at the vet last month but he really probably, imo, should be 130 or less. Maybe even 125.

And sorry, I know I mentioned the bag but I don't actually think the bag is authority or anything like that but it's just this particular feed suggests a lot less than most bags because it's a little better quality or higher protein or something. I do agree that most of the commercial ones suggest way too much, some of them say like 8 or 10 cups which is crazy. And cans of feed that say like 1 can per 10 pounds of body weight. For Gator that would be like 12, 13 cans.... just absolutely insane. And people wonder why there's a dog (and people) obesity problem in America.... but I actually think that for a dog his size 5 cups is fairly reasonable. And I may be remembering it wrong, on one of the bags it did recommend around 4 cups and I thought it was low but maybe I should follow it. He doesn't tend to eat very much which I suppose is probably fine. But my dad also gives him lots of scraps and I give treats, we both need to stop. He even feeds from the table. So it's no wonder he doesn't eat as much food. I think he needs more exercise is what he needs. But thankfully he tends to just eat what he needs and no more and maintains it. But being part Lab he can't resist the scraps so if we cut that out completely and start exercising a lot I think he would maintain his own weight very well.

For a dog that size, 5 c. sounds reasonable. I didn't think you were following the bag, just my niece....and then she asked me why the cat was so fat and I told her but now she doesn't want to take away the same amount of feed because she feels like he would be too hungry.
For a dog that size, 5 c. sounds reasonable.  I didn't think you were following the bag, just my niece....and then she asked me why the cat was so fat and I told her but now she doesn't want to take away the same amount of feed because she feels like he would be too hungry. 

That's good to know, thanks. I think I'll cut back a little. And ohhh okay, sorry for the misunderstanding, I thought maybe you meant both of us haha you're right, I don't see why people follow the bags as law. But even more so I don't see how companies can even be allowed to have such absurd numbers on the bag. But then again with some brands of food with lots of fillers and lower quality they probably do eat a lot more food. But with all the fillers and crap, they're getting more carbs and junk than protein probably making them fatter. Really sad. And ugh. My dad was like that when I first started measuring the food last year, thought it was "mean" to limit him and still thinks it's "mean" when I suggested no scraps. Same for making him wait outside the kitchen when we eat. Most rules are "mean." :/ and i don't know what she feeds but tbh with some of those feeds he may very well be more hungry with less food. We used to feed our cat Meow Mix free choice and she was ALWAYS hungry but then about 2 years ago we switched both pets to better foods and now she's not as hungry. We went through a lot of brands before finding one they liked and for the dog we still rotate flavors and brands but now she likes one. We actually didn't find one she liked until recently. We first tried Earthborn Holistic Primitive Feline and she DEVOURED it but when it ran out I tried Wellness CORE indoor since the dog liked CORE but she HATED it. I thought she was being a brat and tried to force it for months until just a couple months ago I found Wellness adulth health formula which she LOVED so we now use that. But we have a few other brands we want to try. The dog switches between wellness, zignature, fromm, merricks, earthborn, etc. And sometimes cheaper ones. He had less energy on Canidae all life stages we found. It's definitely more expensive but worth it to me but if i had a lot of dogs I'd probably feed something cheaper. We recently tried 4 Health (tractor supplys brand) wet and he loves that. He's been on just about every advertised brand and did fine but he's doing better on this. The cat on the other hand was more lethargic and sickish. Shes doing much better. I dont like that its not grain free but oh well, its a great brand. She also gets wet food now which helps. So anyhow, its a little ridiculous to over feed him cause he's "hungry" but also the food may make him hungry too
I find it so funny all the weird reactions to seeing different colored eggs. I remember the first time I saw EE eggs, my mom had bought them from a local farm. I remember asking her "Why did she sell us dyed eggs? Easter was months ago... I hope they aren't that old!!"

And honestly, all the people scared of eating fertile eggs 'in case there is a chick inside' Oh please...
The reason we ended up buying from the person with EE chickens was our usual source was out... Our usual source didn't have a coop or proper nesting areas, the chickens were basically wild animals. Everyday was an Easter egg hunt for her boys. Sometimes they discovered a full nest... Guess how long those eggs had been set on??
We jokingly called these half-formed eggs 'chicken abortions' when they got cracked. However, I'm pretty sure they were already dead since they'd been in the fridge...
It's left me with a habit of always cracking eggs into an empty bowl and not directly into a recipe or the hot frying pan!
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I grew up on a farm we had 30 or chickens giving us eggs but all white or brown
never knew about the blue or green till a year ago from here
now I have 10 of them that lay other colors
Not aa dumbest things people have said but dumb thing I just did...

I had some wood scraps propping the nest box roof open for more ventilation but since they've been sleeping on the roof lately, I decided to take it out tonight. Well I dropped one of the plywood scraps right on top of a full nest of 9 eggs.... cracked 5 of them. 2 were badly cracked, one leaked in the next box but managed to get it out. And yes 9 though we have 8 chickens, we were gone 2 days and i guess the boys didn't collect them all LOL

Gave all 5 to the dog. I was going to give him the 2 most badly cracked ones and save the hairline fractures, not thinking he would take all of them as he usually stops when he wants no more... he took 4 gladly. Thought he was done, offered him the 5th like 2 or 3 times, told him take it, he sniffed it/touched with nose but refused it so I said fine and walked away. Wouldn't you know it, as soon as I walked away, "WAIT MOM!" LOL so he finally took the 5th and ate it too. It's especially surprising since he also just wen back and forth to his bowl 3 seperate times and finished it off. So I would have thought he was full but guess he can't turn up fresh eggs, especially ones already cracked for him LOL lately we've been giving him one or two eggs when we collect them so he's beginning to expect it, even though it's not every time, and gets excited when I come out of the run with the egg basket, so he got rewarded MEGA tonight lol he loved it. Funny thing is he used to eat raw eggs but then he started HATING them and he would not eat them. You had to cook them for him. Well now he LOVES them and lives for his fresh egg from his chickens after nightly egg collection. Guess there's just something extra special about farm fresh eggs!! :lol: I don't blame him though, store bought eggs are GROSS!! :sick
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