Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Wow! Lol I've had sone people out that were considering getting some chickens.
I was shocked when they asked what the difference between a rooster/cock and a hen/pullet was. They were clearly transplants from the city. I explained it was their gender and the role of both in a laying flock. I also pointed them to BYC for research. They knew nothing and wouldn't even hold a chick... Now I don't mind teaching people it wasn't that long ago that DH2B and I were newbies but we were never that bad. Lol but I do admit I looked at them and said if you're going to have chickens you're going to have to be able to hold and take care of them. That won't work if you're afraid.

I heard back from them a few weeks later they decided to wait on chickens.

That blows my mind. Lol Don't they go to school before becoming adults? Or did they skip Kindergarten?
That blows my mind. Lol Don't they go to school before becoming adults? Or did they skip Kindergarten?

My worry is that it was a recently married couple if they don't know there's a difference between them then they've got much larger problems than I thought. Of course chickens don't have external genitals but still it's not that hard to see a difference especially when our roo mounted a hen right in front of them.
Speaking of pullets and cockerels I once had a buyer who was interested in some Rhode Island Red pullets (6 months old), he organized to pick up 6 birds however he told us he wanted cockerels not pullets. So here we were rubbing our hands together, keen to get rid of some nice Rhodies for a purpose other than meat. He picked up the boys and all went well until a few months later we got a call from him telling us one had started crowing. We told him that it was cockerels he had bought after all and he may have the wrong number but it turns out he had mistaken the term cockerels for pullets.

Because he was a newbie to chooks I can't blame him but it was more amusing than anything, he brought the boys back and we offered him some females but he refused to take them. Alas, they were some nice looking birds.
Because of all the little kids around my house (cousins and little neighbors), I hand tame all my chickens (to an extent). At fair, (just remembered this gem) someone came up while I was grooming my 11 pound BA roo, Ivan. They asked why I was holding "her" and If they could pet "her". I told them why I was checking his feathers(To check for fraying on the cage bars) and that they could pet him. They were cooing over "such a nice little hen" when I did explicitly explain it was a rooster. Jaw dropped, and they stopped petting Ivan as though suddenly he was a grubby little monster. "Don't you know roosters will attack you?! They'll try and kill little kids! It needs to be locked up!" I tried explaining that some roosters are ill-behaved but some are sweet as can be. They stormed off angry. Ivan then spent the next 20 minutes cuddled up with a little old lady with a breathing tube, and they both loved every minute.
Thought I would add that I will pick up my chickens in the coop in the evening and pet them, especially my 11 week chick!

My Australorps were some of the sweetest as chicks and juvies, now my last guy just runs from me to avoid being held hahaha.
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Speaking of pullets and cockerels I once had a buyer who was interested in some Rhode Island Red pullets (6 months old), he organized to pick up 6 birds however he told us he wanted cockerels not pullets. So here we were rubbing our hands together, keen to get rid of some nice Rhodies for a purpose other than meat. He picked up the boys and all went well until a few months later we got a call from him telling us one had started crowing. We told him that it was cockerels he had bought after all and he may have the wrong number but it turns out he had mistaken the term cockerels for pullets.  :gig

Because he was a newbie to chooks I can't blame him but it was more amusing than anything, he brought the boys back and we offered him some females but he refused to take them. Alas, they were some nice looking birds.

Speaking of pullets and cockerels I once had a buyer who was interested in some Rhode Island Red pullets (6 months old), he organized to pick up 6 birds however he told us he wanted cockerels not pullets. So here we were rubbing our hands together, keen to get rid of some nice Rhodies for a purpose other than meat. He picked up the boys and all went well until a few months later we got a call from him telling us one had started crowing. We told him that it was cockerels he had bought after all and he may have the wrong number but it turns out he had mistaken the term cockerels for pullets.  :gig

Because he was a newbie to chooks I can't blame him but it was more amusing than anything, he brought the boys back and we offered him some females but he refused to take them. Alas, they were some nice looking birds.

Hahahahahha I love it! What a nice story. Kinda sad he wouldn't take the pullets in the end. Any idea why not?

For that reason anyone interested in chicks I make sure I specifically explain the words and gender of the birds.

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