Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Yeah, see a lot of possibly well-meaning people often dont know what the heck they think they're talking about. Like freeing Willy, only Willy was raised by humans and does not know how to live in the wild so he dies. So we humans who raised him are demonized and those freeing him and ultimately kill him think they are enlightened somehow. My soapbox.
Yeah, see a lot of possibly well-meaning people often dont know what the heck they think they're talking about. Like freeing Willy, only Willy was raised by humans and does not know how to live in the wild so he dies. So we humans who raised him are demonized and those freeing him and ultimately kill him think they are enlightened somehow. My soapbox.

very true!!! like the people that oppose zoos or even house pets. where exactly do you think these animals are going to go? lol
It actually has to be done to keep them alive geez take away the predatorcto cull the week and sick then disease runs rampant and decimates the herd simple math oh wait they are the ones that developed common core
It actually has to be done to keep them alive geez take away the predatorcto cull the week and sick then disease runs rampant and decimates the herd simple math oh wait they are the ones that developed common core
very true and i agree. plus when the herds run rampant in destroys the environment
Then they die of starvation because of over grazing

Yeah exactly. So it really makes no sense to me why people wouldn't want to reintroduce predators or in the case of the horses, control their population. Which could also be done with reintroduction of predators.
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Some people are just dumb and ignorant to the signs and they get all kind of upset over hunters that cull the deer population because the predators are gone! It's not the best solution but like the Indians they understood the cycle of life
Well, I will throw myself under the bus and share the dumbest thing I have said regarding chickens... the first time I met someone with a backyard flock, we got to talking just when one of their hens was laying an egg. I noticed the egg was white and said "I thought all chicken eggs were brown and the store bought ones are bleached."

Needless to say, they got a good laugh out of it, and I learned a lesson about chickens and their eggs. I seriously thought all eggs were brown!

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