Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Oh, and the same day that whole thing happened at TSC. There was a guy trying to "woo" a girl on his chicken "knowledge".
Him: As you can see these chicks have black feet so they must be Silkies (me trying desperately to hold in laughing!) (The bin was labeled Bantams!)
Girl: Ohhhh...
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The things I've had to educate feed store employees about could fill a book. One guy wants to grow a garden inside his chicken run. He insisted that 'Of course they will eat some of it, but they won't be able to eat everything.' Yes they will. They are worse than a plague of locusts.
At least you're changing the food,water and bedding. We bought clearance red rangers for 25 cents. Their brooder was so disgusting that they had burned off all the fluff on their undersides laying in nothing but poop. The ducks looked even worse.

Hence the reason we have to clean it out twice a day. Poor little ones. You could definitely tell when the broosers weren't cleaned as much as they were supposed to be. Cornish rocks and the ducks were the absolute worst to clean. The ducks get water all in their bedding, and the Cornish rocks just eat and eat and eat and poo. Their pen looked like a RIR pen that went a few days without cleaning, only after about 8 hours.

Forgot to mention this in an earlier post, but always have them check under the food containers. This year, for our store, we used the 7 pound plastic feeder, which had a conical bottom. It just so happens, that there is just enough space for a baby chick to fit in down there. Numerous times, while I was cleaning the pen, I'd lift the feeder up and tah dah, out comes a dehydrated chick. Morning person cleaning the pens never bothered to check before setting feed down. Happened probably around a dozen or so times, and no matter how much I tried telling him not to do it, he never learned, or didn't care.
If it was me I'd say just leave them be and that people are just fascinated by that stuff and always will be and taking pictures is fairly harmless... but I'm also too nice lol and can understand how it might be a little creepy having people there. But if it was me, unless they start creeping around the property more or trashing it I don't think I'd care.

To my (warped?) way of thinking, that's just encouraging them to continue to ignore the rights of others, signs, and laws. If no one stops them early on ("Nip it, nip it, nip it", as Barney Fife used to say) they'll keep on until something bad happens, like a load of rock salt in their shorts, or worse. Or, they'll keep up the behavior until they do something less "benign". So, you're really not doing anyone any favors by ignoring their behavior. Better to discourage the behavior before it gets out of hand ... and, anyone who ignores the rights of one person won't stop until someone forcefully stops them. Look at the lady who got dragged off the plane because she just walked on the plane without checking with the gate agent. She's obviously been getting away with crap for years and now thinks rules don't apply to her. That one ended VERY badly.

Let's not encourage bad behavior by ignoring it.
To my (warped?) way of thinking, that's just encouraging them to continue to ignore the rights of others, signs, and laws. If no one stops them early on ("Nip it, nip it, nip it", as Barney Fife used to say) they'll keep on until something bad happens, like a load of rock salt in their shorts, or worse. Or, they'll keep up the behavior until they do something less "benign". So, you're really not doing anyone any favors by ignoring their behavior. Better to discourage the behavior before it gets out of hand ... and, anyone who ignores the rights of one person won't stop until someone forcefully stops them. Look at the lady who got dragged off the plane because she just walked on the plane without checking with the gate agent. She's obviously been getting away with crap for years and now thinks rules don't apply to her. That one ended VERY badly.

Let's not encourage bad behavior by ignoring it.

Yeah I guess that's true but idk, in my mind just stopping to take a photo by a cool landmark or house and then being on your way is a lot different than trying to walk your dog there or sneak around and drink etc. Who's to say it will escalate to bad behavior? And i dont think it's encouraging bad behavior cause imo a picture is fairly harmless

But I guess I could be wrong and it's kind of dumb to try to distinguish between "okay" trespassing and "not okay." And I mean even if the picture wasn't a big deal with one person, what if someone else shady came around. So hmmm, I guess I can see how distinguishing is bad especially cause you can never tell who is a bad person or not. They could act fine and come back later and rob i guess.

And also it's weird cause I wouldn't trespass on someone's property and would be creeped out by someone on mine, even "just taking a picture" now that I think about it so actually idek why I'm saying it's not a big deal.
I don't like the idea of shooting people or at them because I think simply talking to (or even yelling) is much better/easier/more civilized but a shot would definitely be far more effective lol

But in my thinking, what if somebody was hiking or backpacking and simply got lost? Or even driving/exploring a place and got lost. They're not doing anything wrong necessarily and certainly didn't trespass on purpose so I think shooting at them is a little unfair. Unless of course you live on a long road/driveway that you have to deliberately go down or you have clear signs etc

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