Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

OK, I am a weird, kind of reclusive non social kind of person. I have a little fence, and some signs. Beware of dog and no trespassing and keep out. I think I will have to make a sign that says SERIOUSLY, I REALLY MEAN IT because this afternoon someone just opened my gate and came up and knocked on my door and asked could they buy some of my chickens. 1. I don't like people I don't know coming through that gate, and 2. 'Could I buy some of your chickens?' is one of the dumbest things someone could ask me.
OK, I am a weird, kind of reclusive non social kind of person. I have a little fence, and some signs. Beware of dog and no trespassing and keep out. I think I will have to make a sign that says SERIOUSLY, I REALLY MEAN IT because this afternoon someone just opened my gate and came up and knocked on my door and asked could they buy some of my chickens. 1. I don't like people I don't know coming through that gate, and 2. 'Could I buy some of your chickens?' is one of the dumbest things someone could ask me.

I have heard something like that before there was a group going around all the houses and farms doing that then while on the property taking pictures of everything. The law was called about them after a few people got together talking about it, come to find out it was a PETA group taking pics and according everyone that they visited accused them of animal cruelty! One would ask the questions and the second would be taking the pics of everything making sure to use some in a wY to depict bad caring of the animals one farmer I know the state officials came down on him then had to apologize!! They were some bigwig official with the state Ag. Then they investigated further and found out what the group was doing. The group had did this for over two years through many states. When officials would get suspicious they would go to another state and start there! So I have my signs out and if anyone comes in my yard wanting to take pics I pull out my SIG and ask them if they mind me taking potshots at them!
This was two guys, one stayed in the vehicle. I stepped outside, explained signs and gates and their purposes. I wondered aloud at his boldness and questionable intelligence. I showed him through the gate, "You hear those dogs barking? They are not friendly. I am not friendly. Those signs and gates are for YOUR protection" It made me very uncomfortable. Usually people park outside the fence, honk, and ask to buy eggs, I am friendly to THEM.....in a later conversation with another neighbor, I found out they were two guys who work together, an uncle-nephew team that steal things like weed eaters, tillers, etc. They were most likely on a scouting mission. It's made me feel uneasy. :/
That's okay. I've had some really embarrassing moments, like when I didn't know chickens could actually pee, not just have it mixed with droppings... Boy was I surprised when one of my hens suddenly felt the urge...
Same here! My brother was holding one on his go-kart (not driving, of course), and she suddenly did it on his lap! That's not even the worse: one time he got chicky poo in his boxers! They are pretty messy animals.
well I think this thread is not only fun and good but comes very handy to me today too ;) .

Easter today so hey why not decorating some of our by eggs for my mum with my girl ?
YEAYYY I WANT TO PAINT WITH FINGERPAINT , altough my daughter's reply to that .
So I think it is nice to get a box of freshly layed eggs full of care , colour , some glitters and I don't know what else she used , not ?
I like it anyway and if I go for a gift for someone I always pick something I like .

So we filled a box of a dozen with 8 fresh eggs and in different order added a few chocolate eggs , (ok one bunny and three eggs ) .
made our own label for the box with a drawing of two chickens and 5 eggs with a suposed to be a little bit funny textballoon ,
one chicken " Having that time of the month again urgh " , other chicken replying " really ? HA ! me too ! Every single day now ! "

One of the eggs : uhm mum where are we going ?
other egg : celebrating easter you stupid
other egg : I LOVE easter ! that is my bird-eyg

so had it really nice coloured and emballeshed and went to my mothers , not given directly but drinking some tea she is proud she has gained some muscle and reduced fat thanks to her new diet . I bet you already know what that contains ?
She is going to the gym and each morning eats an egg and is so excited about her body . well I was happy to hear about that diet , my little eastergift was going to be perfect !
So as my child hands it over she looks at the box and says " haha nice but I don't eat that much eggs anymore , back in time it was mostly your brother who made himself some scrambled eggs in the morning but me ? no I don't eat that much of eggs so thanks but they are probably going to be bad by the time I would like an egg " .

My child and I both looked like two fools to eachother and said together : " didn't you just say you were on a diet during gym and having lots of eggs ?? "

she ignored that question and said with a laughter " ooooh that is chocolate haha I believed these were just eggs from yours in the backyard ! " ( now I have to tell that some of my Marans really lay eggs like chocolate , she counted 10 chocolate eggs instead of 12 and believed it was special chocolatepaint , ofcourse after trying I got a message on my cell with the note " hé there was some kind of filling in that chocolate but I realllyyyy couldn't taste it ! are you sure they were not over date or kept too warm !!!?"

I seriously have no idea what I had to reply to that ! and secretly still wunder wether or not she did now figure out those ' chocolate eggs were real or not ... I know she tossed them out but I better do not tell my daughter ! grrr
OK, I am a weird, kind of reclusive non social kind of person. I have a little fence, and some signs. Beware of dog and no trespassing and keep out. I think I will have to make a sign that says SERIOUSLY, I REALLY MEAN IT because this afternoon someone just opened my gate and came up and knocked on my door and asked could they buy some of my chickens. 1. I don't like people I don't know coming through that gate, and 2. 'Could I buy some of your chickens?' is one of the dumbest things someone could ask me.

One of my Mexican stone masons, while working on my steps, asked if I would GIVE him a couple of my chickens. "Heck, no!! I've named them!"

"You *name* them?" Boy, was he stunned. (Crazy gringo!)
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