Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

I actually do speak some chicken, haha. If you make a deep sound like "tock tock", they will think you have some food for them. I use it to get new baby chicks to eat, while tapping the feed with my finger.
It sounds a lot like a rooster's food call too, so sometimes the hens will even pay attention.
I 'sing' back to my hens sometimes too. I'm just one of those people who meows at my cats, and growls at the dog when she's bad. I'm nuts, I know. :duc

But if you are trying to speak chicken, and you sound nothing like a chicken, I think you're doing something wrong! :plbb

I meow to my cat sometimes, thought i was crazy LOL trying not to though :lau
Chickens are very addictive... we are like reptile people who have like thirty snakes, but ours are useful.
I would say it's easier to add in another chicken than another snake, as you don't need a new cage each time you say to SO "But it's just one more! How much more can one eat?"
And next thing I know, I have a very generous old fellow gift me 52 silkie eggs and 12 painted quail eggs; which are now sitting in my incubator (and in the incubator of an awesome friend, as I didn't have enough room). Dunno how I'll manage to pare that down so I don't end up with a grass-less yard :barnie
citiots, thats what we call them here also

Bahahaha!!! I've never heard that. Love it. My family usually just says "city folk" with a big eye roll.

One of my girlfriends was over and asked me how milking my goats was going. I said great, we're getting a half gallon a day blah blah. She says "what do you do with the weird film on it...since it's not pasteurized?" Uhmmm....since when does real RAW milk have a film? I about died. I asked her if she meant the CREAM on top.
not chickens but still poultry.

i was talking to a friend and told them that duck eggs are amazing, they then asked if you could actually eat duck eggs. they thought only people in Asia eat duck eggs lol. but then i also have to explain i raise chickens and ducks for pets (soon to be geese as well) mostly the duck one most people here don't raise ducks for eggs.

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