Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

"removed Yankees"

Gotta love it. When I lived in Miami (I'm an Air Force brat, so I'm allowed), we referred to the Yankees who came down for the winter as Snow Birds. We'd wave goodbye every spring.
My Papa likes to tell a story about a rancher who was helping a cow calve, and a yankee was driving by on the back road and saw and went to help. After it's all said and done, the yankee turned to rancher and whilst pointing at the calf asked, "How fast was that little cow running!?"

There very much is an air in the south of if you want to live here, you do it our way, leave your foolish city notions in the city. I have a mother-in-law that is horrified of the idea of living in an area without an HOA. What if your neighbor has a trashy property, or *gasp* paints their house some color you don't like?! So what if they do? I always ask and shake my head. That's their property, that's their right.

My own family told me when I started keeping chickens "What are you going to do when they stop laying?" "Eat them," says I. They didn't believe me until I sent a picture of it on my plate, guess they didn't think I was country enough.
After it's all said and done, the yankee turned to rancher and whilst pointing at the calf asked, "How fast was that little cow running!?"

There very much is an air in the south of if you want to live here, you do it our way, leave your foolish city notions in the city. I have a mother-in-law that is horrified of the idea of living in an area without an HOA. What if your neighbor has a trashy property, or *gasp* paints their house some color you don't like?! So what if they do? I always ask and shake my head. That's their property, that's their right.

My own family told me when I started keeping chickens "What are you going to do when they stop laying?" "Eat them," says I. They didn't believe me until I sent a picture of it on my plate, guess they didn't think I was country enough.

I think I got it; as in he thought the calf ran into the back of his mama and had to be pulled out?

Yeah, I can't stand that shallow, pretentious attitude. My neighbor that wanted to clean up the corner so her street didn't look unkempt is like that. Funny thing is that she comes from a very "humble" background but has always aspired to be one of the "rich people". She finally managed to marry a man who made a decent living, but true class can't be bought. It comes from breeding. You either have it or you don't. And good breeding never encourages or condones walking around with your nose in the air. "Putting on airs" is like putting lipstick on a pig. After all is said and done, it's still a pig.
I told somebody once "You worry about yours and I'll worry about mine." It wasn't in this context, but it works here too. If someone tried to clean my property up for me I'd have some choice words for them about trespassing, thank you but no thank you. I miss the country, I really do. But it's about affordability and time constraints right now, so I'm trapped in the middle of the city. One day...

Oh, my coworkers (I normally work in an office in Denver, but get sent out to various locations to cover for vacations) have posed the don't you need a rooster to get eggs question more times than I can count. I just tell them no, it doesn't work like that, and they generally leave it be. Thank goodness. Had one guy ask if he would end up with eggs hatching in his fridge. :rolleyes:

Edit: yes you got the joke!
So my hubby flew down and visited with a couple of his brothers this last weekend. One is 21 years older than him at 69. Somehow chickens came up and the oldest was telling him how when he had a farm, he had a hundred rhode island reds and the hens were 3 foot tall and the roosters were 4 foot and they weighed 30 to 40 pounds.

Hubby said he had to actually bite his lip to keep from busting out laughing because his brother wasn't joking.

First off, this brother has never owned a farm. His ex-wife had a couple hens when they lived on an acre. We visited them there.

Second, it was so hilarious that my hubby couldn't wait to tell me and still keeps laughing about it.

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