Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Tadpoles aren't fish. Minnows I'll give you, in a pan, but in a stream or a pond with silt and dark water, my money's on the minnow every time.
i keep my pond out back stocked with minnows and it isn't uncommon to find one of my ducks with a big flopping golden shiner in it's bill. given i don't do it for the ducks i started doing this so i don't have to go and spend a fortune on minnows at the baitshop i can just throw a cast net out and get me a few dozen for no charge
hi everyone
trying to hit on everything here
duck eggs are a little stronger, my ducks will eat minnows, swamp grass, algae, etc, also, if you scramble a duck egg it tends to be a little chewier or more rubbery texture.

now with that being said- I use to have muscoveys that use to eat mice. yup, pretty funny to watch too!!!!
Heck, my chickens eat shrews, mice, voles, and rats. I think the aquatic plants that the ducks eat cause a lot of the flavor as well. To much fish meal can make chicken eggs taste different as well. I can't stand the eggs from chickens fed to much flax seed.
My sisters and I were discussing what exactly an egg was to the chicken. Which resulted in some really weird conclusions when it came to fertile vs infertile. It was just a really odd conversation - not dumb, just odd, now that I look back on it. In the end we concluded that an infertile chicken egg is equivalent to blood/tissues in a human's menstrual cycle while a fertile egg is the equivalent to a fetus.

But before that, my sisters were arguing about whether eggs still appear or not if a rooster isn't present. /sigh
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