Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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When my chickens first started
Laying, my brother said he wasn't going to eat the egg, I asked why not and he stood up and said "Who would eat seething that comes out of a butt!!!!!" I simply told him ok. The next day I had made ham and eggs for breakfast, he took a bite and said " wow, these are really good, why?" I told him that the eggs were from my chickens and he stood up, threw the food out and walked our of the room!!
I had Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner as well as Omelet and Salt-n-pepper. My favorites were a pair of nearly identical hens I called Rum and Nutmeg...but nobody seemed to catch what I was alluding to...
Haha, I have a Salt and Pepper too. As well as a Spice, and Ginger.

- Oh also, Every time my sister comes over, and if I make her something, she always makes sure it's not blue eggs! She swears that blue eggs come from diseased chickens, and that they have some horrible virus,
Oh well, more for me!
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What astounds me is all of these people who know nothing about chickens being adamant about their false assumptions even when they are corrected by a person who own and knows about chickens. Even at that, do these people not have google? If these people won't take your word for it then are they too lazy to check another source?
I never knew there were such strong feelings against brown eggs in the rest of the country! Here in the northeast, the white eggs are the "weird" ones :)
I haven't watched it so I might agree with you if I do watch it, which after what you've said I might not feel like doing. But if its about candy might that not be less serious than if its about, say, telling kids a pet died? I mean, if kids get super upset about candy loss, isn't that a bit laughable? It being just candy? #firstworldkidproblems

Of course losing a beloved pet is more traumatic than having someone steal your candy but, from my point of view, telling children anything that causes them great distress for the sake of entertainment is cruel. Believe me, the kids in this segment are VERY distraught by the news!! Then the parents say, "Just kidding!", expecting the kid will trust them in the future. Yeah. Right. I deal with kids who have trust issues on a daily basis. It really messes them up. In fact, if you've ever heard of RAD (Reactive Attachment Disorder), it's cause by trust never being established from the time a child is born. People don't seem to understand just how critical being able to trust their caregivers is to a child's healthy development.
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