Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Okay I watched it. I must say some of those kids, ugh, pretty spoilt and self centered. I don't think it will kill them to get a teensy bit of a corrective like this prank. And I was really touched by the few kids that didn't act out about candy. Loved the little boy that was "Ok. Hope you liked my candy."

I dont think this is lifetime traumatic stuff. Ongoing cruelty is different from this. This is a little trick to help them expose them to the fact that they are little bit too candy-oriented. Most of the parents explained the joke in the end.

I'm sorry, but as a parent, there's a lot of teaching needs to be done. I'm all for instructional teasing, wit, skits and tomfoolery, as long as the lesson gets passed on. "We love you: Candy will rot your teeth."

If you'll remember, I did point out that the kids reacted badly, which was part of the problem. I said that both the parents' cruelty and the kids' reactions were wrong. But, one must ask how these kids got spoiled in the first place. Also, part of the problem for them was that they had gone out and (in their little minds) earned that candy, or whatever it was. It may be a good lesson in what it feels like to have something stolen from you that you worked for, but there was no evidence that any of them had recurrent problems with taking what wasn't theirs. The whole thing was just an exercise in the parents' having fun at their kids' expense. There was no intention to deliver the message that candy will rot your teeth or make you fat.

Additionally, any parent who raises their children to talk to them the way some of these did (and who laughed about it, too) isn't the appropriate person to be teaching their kids any positive lessons in behavior, morals, or respect. How do you teach a kid these lessons without demonstrating it yourself?

As I said, I have problems with the video and its entire premise on several levels.
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Okay, despite the possibility of psychological ramifications I have to share this - it happened not 10 minutes ago! I live in a tiny town - 600 people and I'm on the town council. Here chickens and roosters, goats, ducks, geese,cattle, horses, sheep, donkeys - every farm animal except swine is allowed.(unless the piggies are being raised for 4-H, then you can get a special permit for one) Everyone was a little surprised when I got chickens, and many have been watching the building of Motel Chix with great interest. Our coop and and run can be seen from the street, so we took extra care to be sure it wasn't an eyesore. The chickens have been living in it since the beginning of April. That's the background. Now for the event:

I was out a few minutes ago checking on the girls (and Charlie) when a neighbor who strolls by every evening, rain, snow or shine, walked by.

Me: "Evenin' neighbor."
Neighbor: "Evenin'. That hen house is looking real good, Diane."
Me: "Thanks. We are pretty happy with it."
He takes a longer look and then says, "Are those real chickens in there?"
Um, nope. They're armadillos I've been taking care of for my grandkids.

Here's your sign!

I see no harmful psychological ramifications here!! All I see is a wonderful sense of humor!
Good one!
If you'll remember, I did point out that the kids reacted badly, which was part of the problem. I said that both the parents' cruelty and the kids' reactions were wrong. But, one must ask how these kids got spoiled in the first place. Also, part of the problem for them was that they had gone out and (in their little minds) earned that candy, or whatever it was. It may be a good lesson in what it feels like to have something stolen from you that you worked for, but there was no evidence that any of them had recurrent problems with taking what wasn't theirs. The whole thing was just an exercise in the parents' having fun at their kids' expense. There was no intention to deliver the message that candy will rot your teeth or make you fat.

Additionally, any parent who raises their children to talk to them the way some of these did (and who laughed about it, too) isn't the appropriate person to be teaching their kids any positive lessons in behavior, morals, or respect. How do you teach a kid these lessons without demonstrating it yourself?

As I said, I have problems with the video and its entire premise on several levels.

You're probably right.
You're probably right.

I agree that there's nothing wrong with "instructional teasing, wit, skits and tomfoolery, as long as the lesson gets passed on". Just ask my own grown poor young'ns who'll gladly tell you that mom could pull some "stuff" at times. My dad was the champ at disguising Christmas gifts so we couldn't identify what was in the packages before opening; devious man. My point was that I didn't think this applied to the video in question.

Just wanted you to know that no offense was meant and I hope none was taken.
I agree that there's nothing wrong with "instructional teasing, wit, skits and tomfoolery, as long as the lesson gets passed on". Just ask my own grown poor young'ns who'll gladly tell you that mom could pull some "stuff" at times. My dad was the champ at disguising Christmas gifts so we couldn't identify what was in the packages before opening; devious man. My point was that I didn't think this applied to the video in question. 

Just wanted you to know that no offense was meant and I hope none was taken.

No no none at all. I don't actually take offense very easily and I am truly open to other people's ideas. Otherwise what am I doing here?

Yes you see I was probably of your dad's camp as a mother. I'm sure I messed with their minds, sometimes just for my own amusement, because parenting can sometimes be crippling, all your own baggage safely stored and prioritizing their feelings, needs, and sensitivities over your own. I'm sure most of the time I put them first, but I am also remembering exasperated irritated moments where I vented with black humour, sarcasm and jokes I hoped they wouldn't get. They seem to have survived me and I have forgiven myself those lapses.

So I think I wanted to find the video funnier and more innocent than it was because I didn't want to have to think of myself as being a s*** parent. But I parented before you tube, and I think I would probably never have done anything quite that contrived and public. It tended to be very off the cuff and of course always private. So that's why I think I will concede this one to you, and thanks for the sweet conciliation.
The public part is the most important, I think. I pick on my kids, and don't see that I'm doing them any harm. In fact, they seem to expect that I'm kidding now if I say something like that....

That being said,when you make your kids cry and then post it on youtube, with the intent of getting it on a national TV show, that is severely wrong.

It's like trying to make your kids cry in public, so that everyone can laugh at them. Times, oh, about a million.
A woman my husband works with recently said, "I like the hens eggs just fine, I've never tried a rooster egg though."
Turns out, she thought girl chickens came from hen eggs and boy chickens came from rooster eggs.
Then just this week someone asked, "Don't female chickens turn to male if there aren't any around?"
These are fairly smart people, with important jobs...this worries me.
A woman my husband works with recently said, "I like the hens eggs just fine, I've never tried a rooster egg though."
Turns out, she thought girl chickens came from hen eggs and boy chickens came from rooster eggs.
Then just this week someone asked, "Don't female chickens turn to male if there aren't any around?"
These are fairly smart people, with important jobs...this worries me.

I'm always curious about where they get these misconceptions. I mean, it's not like they're based on common sense: when's the last time you heard of an animal turning into the opposite gender because there weren't any others around? (Talk about filling a void ...) So, did their parents pull a prank on them when they were little ... then wonder how long it would take them to figure it out for themselves? Ummmmm .... like never, maybe?

Enquiring minds want to know.
When my chickens first started
Laying, my brother said he wasn't going to eat the egg, I asked why not and he stood up and said "Who would eat seething that comes out of a butt!!!!!" I simply told him ok. The next day I had made ham and eggs for breakfast, he took a bite and said " wow, these are really good, why?" I told him that the eggs were from my chickens and he stood up, threw the food out and walked our of the room!!
Off to make him a tongue sandwich, it should be the best food available since it came from a mouth correct? at least using his logic...
My sister in law won't eat brown ones. Flat out refuses because they're dirty.
Will she use Brown sugar, or dark corn syrup? wouldn't those be dirty too???? Only club soda and tonic water if it's not regular water to drink, sodas are contaminated hence their colors. milk is taken from the under side of goats and cows, too close to the filthy ground. No I will not serve her veggies, they come out of the dirty ground along with some fruits, like rhubarb and strawberries.
I was probably of your dad's camp as a mother.

I inherited it from my dad. Remind me to tell you someday the story of how I taught my daughter not to steal.

thanks for the sweet conciliation.

No problem. It was straight from my heart.

Now, back to our regular programming and my usual acerbic, jaded self. SEVEN
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