Dust bath for chicks

The problem with potting soil is they make it from all kind of material and there are no restrictions on what they can use. Trees, branches, grass, pine needles. etc. You will not know what the contents are. I use sand and DE, with a little wood ashes that I sift thru screen wire. You can buy play sand or regular sand. I buy whatever is cheaper. 50# bag and 2 cups of DE in a baby wading pool will do the trick. If you have a lice problem just sprinkle a little 5% sevin dust in it. I keep mine under the porch of my coop so it will not rain in it. If you put outside on the ground punch a few holes in it with a knife so water will run out when it rains. Hope this helps.
Potting soil generally has additives like fertilizer and perlite. If you want to buy a bagged product for dust bathing, I would go with peat moss.

Sand and wood ash are also components you can mix in, as well as plain dirt from your own yard, provided that it hasn't been treated with anything lately.

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