Dying gosling

Pear is still going strong. Unfortunately Apple took a turn for the worse and fell off the cliff. She suddenly can't walk and won't eat, shaking and thrashing her head. She can barely drink without throwing up. Trying to get her to a vet within the next hour but she is falling very quickly.
Pear is still going strong. Unfortunately Apple took a turn for the worse and fell off the cliff. She suddenly can't walk and won't eat, shaking and thrashing her head. She can barely drink without throwing up. Trying to get her to a vet within the next hour but she is falling very quickly.
I hope you can get her there quick. I was hoping since we hadn't heard they were both recovering.
They were. Apple just now this past hour or so went doenhill. I was cleaning her tub that she was being quarantined in, in case one of them got sick, and I noticed she wasn't walking, like Peaches. So now an hour or so later she's gotten to the point where I can't do anything. Afraid the vet will say euthanize her.
They were. Apple just now this past hour or so went doenhill. I was cleaning her tub that she was being quarantined in, in case one of them got sick, and I noticed she wasn't walking, like Peaches. So now an hour or so later she's gotten to the point where I can't do anything. Afraid the vet will say euthanize her.
So sorry to hear. If the vet decides to euthanise, can he/she have a look to see if she has worms in her? if so, that could cause the strange head movements and the being sick....just a thought.
Will check to see if they can. I still have my gander Pear left and I want to save him if I can't save Apple, if we knew it was worms that would help so much.

This is her. She turned 5 weeks old on Wednesday, you can just see in her eyes she's exhausted and not really there.
Apple is going to be put down. The vet says her crop is full of gas and her abdominal area is in a lot of pain and that, unless I or someone else in the family had the time to spend the next two weeks dedicated to her, was not worth putting her through.
Apple is going to be put down. The vet says her crop is full of gas and her abdominal area is in a lot of pain and that, unless I or someone else in the family had the time to spend the next two weeks dedicated to her, was not worth putting her through.
I am so sorry this has happened. what did they think was the cause of all 3 of them getting this?

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