dying newly hatched chick


7 Years
Sep 16, 2012
del valle, tx
Ok, this was the last chick that hatched out. It started shrink wrapping so I had to finish hatching it. Now its weak, but also doesn't seem to be breathing well where the others are bouncing off the wall doing fine. What's wrong?
Had the chick absorbed all of the yoke? It takes time for them to develop breathing and that's why some hatch slower. Can you block off the other chicks so they aren't running over this chick? I've had a couple in the past that didn't look like they would make it and by the next morning when I look in the incubator they are doing well. Hope yours makes it!
Yes it did absorb all the yolk. I can seperate it, but it will be alone then. It hasn't changed since yesterday. It's actually a lil cold today so I put it under the lamp
Ok, this was the last chick that hatched out. It started shrink wrapping so I had to finish hatching it. Now its weak, but also doesn't seem to be breathing well where the others are bouncing off the wall doing fine. What's wrong?
It could have a yolk sac infection starting and/or it could be dehydrated.


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