Each day ...a different bird

I know Love told you all about herself, and she probably said some mean things about me, Peck. Let me tell you, Love's about as interesting as a log. She's always broody, leaving me to find my own fun. And I have!

I can fly pretty well, so I found that if I hop the fence, my neighbor will come out of her house and open the gate so I can go home again. She seems to like it, so I try to do it often, especially if Love's just sitting around somewhere, dumping sticks on herself thinking she's making a nest. 🙄

I do like to snuggle with my human, but Love always manages to mess it up. Mainly, she's too big! It's hard for both of us to fit in one lap!

This is so funny!

Hello, my name is Little Big Shot. When I was a chick my owner kept saying I was a hen but she was wrong! I am a very proud roo! I have 3 ladies, also my sisters, I think they like me. I had two brothers. When our sister's were young, we worked together every night to make sure they got to bed. One of my sister's, the human named her Rebel Hen, would never go to bed! One night my mean brother Frazz went away with a lady. My hooman came to pick him up and then she handed him to the strange lady. I never saw him again! Then, last year, we went to the fair. I won grand champion! But Wildfire, my other brother didn't come home with us. Now I am the protector of the coop. Oh! I also have 3 kids. Their names are Soldier, Boots, and Shadow. I got to meet them yesterday. Through wire of course. See you later!
Hello, my name is Rebel Hen. Some call me mean I say I am just bossy. I can't help but peck my stupid sister's when they steal my grass! When I was a chick my owner brought me home, I hate her too. I think she hates me! Why does she always insist on cuddling me? I NEED NO CUDDLES! Well, I show her, she tries to get me, NO WAY! Peck peck peck and she runs away. The boys tried to get me to bed at the right time but I wanted to stay up longer! I was not sad to see Frazz go, he was a butthole. He was always trying to get on me. Then they tried to take me to the 'fair'. I pecked them so they wouldn't pick me up. Everyone else left. I didnt mind, it was quiet when I was by myself. When they came back, Wildfire wasn't with them. I'll admit that I miss him. Now my boyfriend is Little Big Shot. One time I went broody and one of my sister's had a nest beside me. Her chick came too close so I had to peck him. He was invading my space! My owner came and took him and I never saw him again. My sister called for him all night. Then my owner took away my eggs. Like WHAT THE HECK! Why can't I have babies! I have at least one now. I got to see him the other day. That is my life so far! Now go away!

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