Earthing/Grounding for Higher Winter Egg Production

I bought a grounding Mat and sheet, this plugs into a grounding rod, the grounding rod gets pushed into the ground outside and then run the small wire in through the window the window closes easily on the wire and plugs into the grounding sheet or mat, when you sleep that is when your body repairs, it is a Negative electrons that come from the earth into your body, your body is positively charged due to electro pollution in the House, and cell phones, and Not dissipating the Positive charge, You are Not supposed to have a positive charge that causes a Inflammation snow ball effect. I did a lot of research and read the Earthing Book, before I started Earthering. I bought it from the Guy web site that brought this to a team of doctors 10 years ago. They ran Many many large high $$$ Human studies that completely amazed the doctors at the results, one doctor said rubber soled shoes were the worst thing that has ever been done to human kind. I ground every day and feel Great!!! I am Not selling anything and have No affiliation with anyone that sells any Grounding products, I am just a VERY Satisfied customer.
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One caveat, there is No down side Unless you are taking Prescription Medications, I am Not, Meds for thinning the Blood, Grounding thins the blood, (they did thermal imaging to see blood flow and Inflammation) meds for thyroid, grounding increases the thyroid wife take thyroid meds and had it reduced by a LOT because Ground improves thyroid, could effect blood pressure and blood sugar, PLEASE talk to your doctor first, and Do your own research,
My question is how many eggs are you and your wife now laying? Haha just kidding that is an interesting study. I am wondering however when did you add the wire? Because laying has more to do with light than it does anything and so if you added the wire around the time the light was increasing...after Dec 21 the natural response would be an increase in production and so I am just wondering if you just got a false positive result? Or was it actually a direct result of the wire? Just some questions I think it is interesting and I will be looking into it might add it to my coop as well. I would think that if it really was influencing your birds you should have really good production through the spring and summer as well.. thanks for sharing your experience.

It was about a month ago, when I installed the Ground wire. So it could be a coincidence, for the chickens. Not for my wife and I

The Doctors are claiming that this discovery is as important if Not More Important than Penicillin, and that all/Most ailment today is Inflammation that when Grounding it Kills the inflammation, one of the lead Doctors is a cardiologist, he said that he was trained to think that heart disease starts with cholesterol causing a buildup of plaques and turning the blood into red ketchup thick, he said How wrong Doctors are, when you ground the thinning of the blood and Platelets don't stick the blood carries 10 times more oxygen than before grounding.
Out of curiosity, what method are you using to ground yourselves while you sleep? I assume you aren't sleeping on a roost with a length of grounded speaker wire attached. ;)

I take a ground mat with me if I am going to be away from home in a hotel multi level building the higher you get your body off of the ground the higher your bodies voltage is. Or if I take the RV, I installed a plug to the frame of my RV, and plug the ground rod into that plug that is wired up into the RV to a ground mat that I bring from the house on the bed of our RV. I will Not sleep Ungrounded ever again.
Welcome to BYC. I'd get in serious trouble if I felt 20+ years younger. I have come to embrace my lower Testosterone levels.
Me Too!! :gig:lau

It was about a month ago, when I installed the Ground wire. So it could be a coincidence, for the chickens
How old are your birds?

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