Easter chicks...small rant

I dont sell to anyone who is ignorant ANY time of the year.... I usually wont sell to anyone who doesn't have a passion for Silkies either, since I dont breed for the barnyard. The only exception I make is if I have a PQ bird, and even then whoever I sell to has to be at least somewhat knowledgable.

Most anyone will tell you that you should learn as much as you can about the breed you are buying, as well as the person you are buying from. But I personally feel that part of being a responsible breeder of ANY animal, entails that you also be an informed SELLER.
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I just skimmed through this post but I agree. My feedstore carries chicks 10 or so months out of the year, Im sure a lot of them get sold for Easter. I totally agree with Cyn about the biosecurity deal. It might be nice of you to take them back when they get bored, but not at the risk of losing your whole flock. Its best not to sell them to anyone during Easter, period. Its easy to tell someone how to care for them, but that doesnt mean they will do it. A lot of info goes in one ear and out there other when a snotty little kid is screaming about getting a duckie or chick for Easter. Ehh, my ranting is almost over. My point I guess I'm trying to get to is dont sell them for Easter, even if that's how you got your own. Its not fair for the chick.
I'm selling three BBS Orp chicks today, but it's to a BYCer who has about 100 chickens already. Plus, no one wants to pay $5 per chick just to have Junior kill it in a day or two. I did not put them on the Farm Classifieds or Craigslist because of the issues with this time of year.
I might have a family friend who wants to purchase the chicks. They are looking to get some for eggs. So, we'll see. Im also going to be sticking some in the bator this friday, for a may 1st hatch, as another person is also interested in getting some chicks for eggs.
Our feedstore is getting in the colored chicks today. I'm going to buy some. What's a few more going to hurt? I at least know I will take care of them and I won't get bored with them. I was thinking of telling them I would take them in when people got tired of them, but I don't know after thinking about the bio-security of my own flock. I guess I could set up a quarantine brooder or something. How long should they be quarantined for? 10 days? I know a bunch of folks are against the Easter chicks, but if I don't take a few, where are they going to end up? I'm also hoping to get a few white leghorns for white eggs!!
lil'chickies :

Our feedstore is getting in the colored chicks today. I'm going to buy some. What's a few more going to hurt? I at least know I will take care of them and I won't get bored with them. I was thinking of telling them I would take them in when people got tired of them, but I don't know after thinking about the bio-security of my own flock. I guess I could set up a quarantine brooder or something. How long should they be quarantined for? 10 days? I know a bunch of folks are against the Easter chicks, but if I don't take a few, where are they going to end up? I'm also hoping to get a few white leghorns for white eggs!!

If you did take them after they were not wanted anymore, make sure you quarantine for at least 30 days.​
I have some chicks right now and I will sale them this week. I have a few people that buy from me during the year and they have asked when I will have more. The ones I sale at Easter some are for kids and some are not. The kids that I know are getting them have chickens already and these are just adding to their flock.
What your doing is fine IMO it's just people who are just like "oh hay it's Easter maybe we should get some Easter chicks or ducks or bunnies I wonder how you take care of them?" and then let junior "play" with them. Thats what is wrong with it yes some people get hooked but more people don't get hooked and then the chicks either die because they were handeled wrong or they weren't cared for very well.

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