Easter Egger’s first egg!


Aug 14, 2020
SE Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
Interesting color (or lack thereof):
Looks Pink to me, or cream/very lt brown. i see some white deposit spots too.
Yep. Pink tint and speckles are probably from the bloom.

'Speckled' eggs can happen for several different reasons...very few, if any, of which are a 'problem'.
Can be caused by:
Excess or uneven pigment coating.
Excess or uneven cuticle(bloom).
Excess calcium deposits.
Porous eggs can appear speckled.
Some birds lay them consistently, some only once in awhile.
The pigment or bloom can change appearance when wet, then change back when dry again.

As long as bird is getting a good diet and is healthy in every other way, it is no cause for concern.
Nice egg and chicken but Easter Eggers are not a true breed. They have one thing in common : they do lay greenish eggs.
conclusion : this is not an easter egger but a mix breed related to easter eggers.
Yes, I know EE are not 'true breed', but a cross.
No, not all EE lay green/blue.
The fact that this bird has muffs tells you that one of it's parents has Ameraucana in it's
genetic background.
Easter Eggers can produce different color of eggs...blue, greens, browns, pinks, whites.
I don’t see a reason to be concerned about the color of this egg. It’s a very pretty pink/light brown! They don’t always lay blue or green, they lay pink or light brown to. It’s nothing to be concerned about, it’s just the shell color her body chose to make. She is in fact an Easter Egger with 0 doubts and 0 concerns. If anyone doesn’t believe that, look at the photo (she’s a stunning baby) and look up what color eggs EEs can lay :D
Oooo, she's beautiful. And so posh--her egg matches her feather coloring! Congratulations on her first egg.

We have 1 of 3 EEs left to begin laying. Her earlobes are redder than her green-laying flockmates. Even though that's not so much of a predictor with EEs, I'm on the edge of my seat wondering if she'll come out with an egg like yours instead of blue or green.

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