Easter Egger’s first egg!

Nice egg and chicken but Easter Eggers are not a true breed. They have one thing in common : they do lay greenish eggs.
conclusion : this is not an easter egger but a mix breed related to easter eggers.
From what I have read, I believe EEs can also lay pink or blue eggs. Yes, they are not a true breed, which is probably why they can lay different colours. The ones that lay green eggs are often called Olive Eggers.
Yes, I know EE are not 'true breed', but a cross.
No, not all EE lay green/blue.
The fact that this bird has muffs tells you that one of it's parents has Ameraucana in it's
genetic background.
Easter Eggers can produce different color of eggs...blue, greens, browns, pinks, whites.
Sorry I didn’t know this. Always thought EE lay coloured eggs other then the white and brown. Obvious I made a mistake.
Where I live they don’t sell EE, they only sell Aracauna’s. The owners claim they always lay green and blue eggs.
First time chicken buyer, I wanted Ameraucana and didn’t pay attention to the spelling: Americana from TSC. Sigh... I just looked up Ameraucanas at Meyer hatchery and those birds aren’t cheap!
Are you sure it was from an EE?
They don't always lay blue/green :(
Nice egg and chicken but Easter Eggers are not a true breed. They have one thing in common : they do lay greenish eggs.
conclusion : this is not an easter egger but a mix breed related to easter eggers.
Sorry I’m getting off topic but I do wonder how you can be sure you have an EE.

What if someones crosses EE’s?
If you cross EE x EE can you get 25% Aracauna/Americauna, 50% EE and 25% brown egg layer. Or doesn’t it work this way with EE’s. Do you still name all descendants EE?

Or do all people who claim to have EE buy from hatcheries where they control the crossings: And always cross Aracauna or Americauna x brown egg layer. ?

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