Easter Egger club!

Hedwig is definitely enjoying her time in the house. Let her run around for a bit and she wants to cuddle with Drago my boy. He got up and moved 4 times and she followed.
In all seriousness though, is she warm enough? I have a heated crate at night for any injured and recovering birds. It isn't heated much, it's one of those crate pads that maintains at about 75F. It's on just one side of the crate so the bird can self regulate temperature (cool side vs warm side). She's adorable but I'm thinking that's unusual behavior?
No not at all being alone causes them to do that they sleep together in the flock and have had an injured bird adopt my cat that freaked out at first but finally accepted that this bird could lay next to her and sleep it was a funny sight for sure but like you can't keep birds alone for long they will get sick and die from depression sounds funny but it's true
Mine were weirdly huddling away from Mama Brooder. I know we've got a very cold front moving in today. Guessing they're sensing the cold moving in even though it's in the 80's in their brooder box and constant temp. I say weirdly since they're all piled up together.
Went down to check just now and they were acting entirely normal. Although I do have one that I am pretty sure is a hen huddled away from the other 3 week EE's with the 6 day old Australorps I picked up yesterday. Thinking she's decided they are her babies now.
Meaning she's probably going to be a very Broody hen and good Mama. Thinking I may be able to do a photo shoot with my chicks and get a better idea what the older ones are tonight. Noticed several with more larger combs already along with hackle feathers poking out. Still in feather sheath though.
Looking like I may have been right about 2-3 roosters. Hoping it's only two.
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No not at all being alone causes them to do that they sleep together in the flock and have had an injured bird adopt my cat that freaked out at first but finally accepted that this bird could lay next to her and sleep it was a funny sight for sure but like you can't keep birds alone for long they will get sick and die from depression sounds funny but it's true

Very good to know, thank you!

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