Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I see one sure male (last one), one almost certainly male (black and white one), and one that has me suspicious (first one). I'd be curious to know if these were, in fact, sexed pullets or if the bin was mismarked. They have EEs as a straight run "special breed" here and the only way to get pullets is to buy the hybrid layers. To pull three missexed chicks from a pullet bin would be extremely unlucky but for straight run, no big surprise.

Exactly - just my luck - lol. . . . . they were marked pullets but I think they were straight run. . . . . .
Can y'all have a go at these and tell me what you think


Can y'all have a go at these and tell me what you think
These two look like roos to me.

This one looks like a pullet

White one also looks pullet. The one in front looks like the same one in the second picture and it still looks pullet here. The one in the back looks like roo. Please update when you know for sure.

Is that ok? Wiggly little sucker!
Maybe it's my computer screen, but when I enlarged the picture, the comb does not look like it has three rows. Does it? The comb just looks wide and the color is light yellow, not pink. I don't see anything that indicates roo. To me, based on the feathers, it looks more like a pullet. Please update when you know for sure.
Thanks so much for the information. I have one that seems to have that brick red throughout. Once the rain stops here, I will get a few pictures to see what everyone thinks.
Hens can be red, sure. It isn't a color that shows up often in female EEs, though. I'm sure there is some genetic reason which probably has to do with the standardized Ameraucana colors chosen and breeding toward that goal. But, no, it isn't that certain colors are male/female, it's the distribution of the colors and intensity.

Forgot to quote who I was replying to above. Will get a pic today. Thanks!

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