Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

The little saddle feathers that are falling from the chick's tail, look just like the rooster's saddle feathers.
The tail feathers in the black and white chick look like they are in the process of molting out. The back feathers are decidedly rounded in shape and are more broad than male specific saddle feathers. Again, you are getting thrown off by the pattern. The rooster's back feathers all end in a point. Each and every one. Plus the black and white chick's coloring is very even and uniform. Cockerels with that coloring would look more similar to a male Dark Brahma or Silver Penciled Rock male. And the comb is very pale. She has no male features.
She is aware that Sulo is indeed a rooster, and was posting the tell-tale signs of one for the convenience of the newbies.

Thank you for posting this, it's definitely going to help someone. Another sign I want to point out is the stature and build of the Cockerel. Notice how Munk is shorter, and stockier, while the Cockerel has a more gangly build; his legs look too big for his body and he is very long with a broad chest, rather than being round and filled-out like Munk.

Wow, based on this I'm worried 5 of the 6 EE's I hatched might be Roos
My Patchy Mystery EE from a few weeks ago is still puzzling me. She has clear red patches, but the comb is still small and she overall seems female to me. They shipped in early February- they are about 13 weeks old.

Here is her side- the head moved- she never holds still. But it does show those wing patches I'm worried about.

Here she is in the middle next to the leghorn pullet- sorry for the unbearded EE photobombing- they move so quickly!

Also, maybe it's not for this thread because it's not an EE, I have a Gold Laced Wyandotte that I'm also not sure of. If anyone wants to guess- I've never had one with that type of comb before, I'm used to single combed birds, so I can't tell if male or female. These all came in an order from Meyer hatchery which was an all-pullet order- still, I expect to get some males.

My Patchy Mystery EE from a few weeks ago is still puzzling me. She has clear red patches, but the comb is still small and she overall seems female to me. They shipped in early February- they are about 13 weeks old.

Here is her side- the head moved- she never holds still. But it does show those wing patches I'm worried about.

Here she is in the middle next to the leghorn pullet- sorry for the unbearded EE photobombing- they move so quickly!

Also, maybe it's not for this thread because it's not an EE, I have a Gold Laced Wyandotte that I'm also not sure of. If anyone wants to guess- I've never had one with that type of comb before, I'm used to single combed birds, so I can't tell if male or female. These all came in an order from Meyer hatchery which was an all-pullet order- still, I expect to get some males.

I think your EE and Wyandotte are both pullets. There have been examples of pullets with similar patchy coloring to your EE, but her comb shows a pullet. Wyandotte male will get red patches on the wings.
Thank you so much! That was a really quick reply too!

The GLW has some flecks of the gold color, on the wings and kind of all over everywhere. Here's a side shot of it. The tail is really weird, which had me worried but I've never had any kind of Wyandotte before-

I gotta share these fancy leopard spots. She's almost 6 weeks, do you think she is a she?

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