howdy, I posted this question in another forum but it may have been the wrong one. I have a new EE (the yellow chick in the photo, in front of the blue ameraucana and the polish) from my pet chicken.
She has no beard or muffs but I can see that she has a pea comb and her legs are very green.
I'm wondering if the absence of muffs is a deal breaker for blue or green eggs?
Do any of y’all have muffless EEs that lay a blue or green egg? She does have a pea comb, I'm just surprised she is clean faced. Thank you!
She has no beard or muffs but I can see that she has a pea comb and her legs are very green.
I'm wondering if the absence of muffs is a deal breaker for blue or green eggs?
Do any of y’all have muffless EEs that lay a blue or green egg? She does have a pea comb, I'm just surprised she is clean faced. Thank you!