Easter Egger's First Egg

Oh that gives me some hope for my EE girls then! Mine are only a few weeks behind yours in age, and they are such beautiful girls. I have 6 pullets and 2 roos. They hatched from brown, green, and BLUE eggs. I can't wait to see what they will lay!!!
Congrats. Mine haven't started to lay yet but I can't wait. I crossed a standard CM roo with a bantam red friz and got a friz that has dark legs and looks like a bantam CM frizzed I can't wait to see if she lay dark eggs. Isn't this fun?
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I too have an EE that looks just like yours with no beard and same color, she is 16 weeks old and her comb/wattles are quite red, way more red than the others (no she is not a roo). I am waiting...tick-tock tick-tock.
No eggs today. The ladies must be taking their union-entitled day off. I so enjoyed finding these little treasures the past couple of days, I was disappointed that there was nothing today.

I did bribe them tonight with some no-salt, low-fat cottage cheese and leftover organic oatbran bread. They also get organic plain yogurt and berries on a regular basis.

Does anyone have any advice on whether I should introduce oyster shells yet to the entire flock? Only 2 of my 11 pullets are laying. Given the fact that they are all around 17-18 weeks old, the others may not lay for a few more weeks. Should I wait to put out the oyster shells until more of them are laying?
You can put it out now. As long as you're not mixing it with the feed it will be fine, actually as old as they are it probably won't matter. I like to keep it seperate though so then ones that need it will eat it and those that don't won't.
Yay! My girls decided to start laying when I was on vacation. Thanks ladies. My hunny barely even told me about it, I had to ask him. "Hey, the girls havent started laying right?" "Oh yeah there were three blue eggs in there one day"

Oh and my fave EE hen lays light tan eggs. Blah! We want to keep her but we only want blue egg layers.

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