Eastern Tennessee Thread

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Alright kids, last chance on my Cochin/OE pullets! I have 3 black, 1 splash, 1 blue, 1 blue wheaten left....Super cute birds.....between 3 and 5 months old depending on which age group they're from. All are free ranging in the yard during the day and in the coop at night. Pretty girls. If someone wanted them....$8 each for 1, $7 each for 2, $6 each for 3 or more. Feel free to take them all! LOL. Not sure if they'll lay green or brown...might be a mix depending on each bird.

There is also a very typical EE looking girl. Brown and black with a beard and clean legs. Same mom (was a blue wheaten marans/araucana cross hen) but dad was a pure blue wheaten ameraucana. I bet she lays blue or green.




Also have a jersey giant/cochin rooster than can go with them for free if you want. Black. BIG. He is the same age group as the oldest girls (black ones).

Pick-up in Lenoir City. The cochin rooster is from broody lines, so I would not be surprised if these girls eventually make good broodies.
yep.... I got lazy and stopped keeping count like I used to;) we are pretty close for sure. I would def. like to meet everyone at the poultry show here in May, but we are close enough that if you need anything just give me a shout. Reminds me...... do you or anyone you know need and fire wood? My neighbor and I dropped a bunch of trees and I already cut most of it into logs for anyone that needs it for next year.
Ahh yes...and then there were 4. Almost enough for a gaggle

HI I live in White Pine just down the road from ya!!
Willows are doing great. I have not planted any since we need to cut trees down first. If this weather Ever clears up I will call them in.

Right now I have 2 broodies. I thought I had 4 yeasterday but no just the two. Total eggs being sat on 22. One hen sitting on 17 her choice not mine. But then again she is good size and can handle it.
Hey Guys, this isn't chickens but I thought I would post on here in case anyone is interested. I have a pair of gold capped conures looking for sale/looking for a new home if anyone is interested. They are a bonded pair and need to go together though. If anyone is interested post here or PM for more info !
on the side note of other birds temp, does anyone know of, or happen to be close and know or have equipment and knowhow to specially feed baby cockatiels that are already feathering? i just came home from a walk and found both parents seeming sleeping comfy on cage floor in corner under hanging nest. nothing wrong with them, like other animals that recent craoked, except wheat bread in mouth, stomach/crop, so come to conclusion that the bread was tainted somehow, as some animals were refusing it and usually love, and now the ones that were scarfing: one guinea pig, one tiel chick, two adult tiels, and some feeder insects, as well as some apparent sick critters who sampled, but spit it out (i was wondering why, but had just found out brussel sprouts even bugs wouldnt eat were tainted, so shouldve suspected), forget if i got bread from food city, walmart or savalot... this is mildly scary as ive been suddenly ill and eating alot of sammiches, and sad the animals all died suddenly.

anyone else noticing any food problems also???
OMG! I'm soo sorry laughingdog, I have no clue how to raise baby cockatiels! I wonder why the bread would have killed them so fast... I hope you don't have trace amounts of carbon monoxide in your house, you know its a silent killer. I hope you figure this out and the babies will be okay!
Yes.. I agree that is a very good point about the carbon monoxide. Bread could absorb the gas. Did you light a new heater that day or night before? Start your fireplace that night and have venting problem??
OMG! I'm soo sorry laughingdog, I have no clue how to raise baby cockatiels! I wonder why the bread would have killed them so fast... I hope you don't have trace amounts of carbon monoxide in your house, you know its a silent killer. I hope you figure this out and the babies will be okay!
no, nothing like that, but might have had some stuff that had gone bad in fridge contaminate (leafy greans that were in bottom back of fridge). tiela were inside, upstairs, and guinea pig was outside in wire grated cage (so couldnt have gotten into anything). down to one baby tiel this morn, and hope not waste of time and money to get it formula.
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