Eastern Tennessee Thread

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Hi Everybody - Sorry, I have been off this thread for awhile due to an exploding email inbox.

We have Black Copper and Birchen Marans right now - pullets and cockerels as well as chicks. Also, Buff Laced and Gold Laced Brahmas, Coronation Sussex, Speckled Sussex, Welsummers, Lavender Orpingtons, Cuckoo and Splash Marans and lots of Silkies and Serama. We're hatching all the time and have a boatload of chicks right now. We're NPIP and AI certified.

This year we'll be adding Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons and we're hoping to get some Jubilee Orpingtons from some breeder friends. We welcome visitors at the ranch in Chuckey so if you would like to see our operation and birds, just email or PM me. Our website is located at the URL shown in my signature block below.
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WOW whole new look had not been on here in a week look what happens the whole format changes. This will take some getting used to.
Is your avatar right now? Mine was a really old avatar this morning then updated this evening. I love the look of the new site but it is soooo sloooooow on my phone. I don't know if I have the attention span for this.

ETA: I told it to quote grawg's post.

When I first logged on to the new site my avatar had been removed so I just uploaded a new one of my duck guardian dog ;)
Last year she took out a possum and she is always hopping in the duck pen to eat the left over duck feed.

ETA: looks like my quote worked. Haha (typed in a completely innocent yet sarcastic tone)
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Hey everyone! I feel like I've haven't been on here in days. My computer is having a hard time loading the new site. So I tried it at work..same thing. Its really slow. Anyone else having this problem?? Hope everyone is well. Now I have to get caught up on what I've missed.
Hey everyone! I feel like I've haven't been on here in days. My computer is having a hard time loading the new site. So I tried it at work..same thing. Its really slow. Anyone else having this problem?? Hope everyone is well. Now I have to get caught up on what I've missed.

I have pretty good luck with it loading, but sometimes it gets jerky when I am scrolling down a page. I use the chrome browser though and it is generally quicker with most pages anyway. I think what they did was a total backup of everything (pm's and old avatars included) then when they restored it some of the old avatars got put in, as well as some people got back every single pm they ever sent even if they were deleted before. I also found out if your avatar is blurry it is because they allow much higher resolution now and so if you had a low res avatar before now it looks blurry.
good to see everyone is making it back, and hope the weather doesnt give everyone trouble! i think im going to have a room full of pigeons tonite at least, as no one wants to fly today, yrstarday they stretched and flew around like winged demons all day far and wide till feeding time late, and wild birds and other pigeons ive never seen so close, or allowed by my one for that matter, were huddling up and eating off the balcony checking underhang and nests, crevises etc, so hope its not to bad.. animals seem to sense this and the cat and dog were gone running playing and roaming a lot too as well as a feral bobtail mix coming up, that wasnt even leaving from thrashings and threats from my cat, untill it noticed me peeking around corner from in window, then it tore butt outta there, but kept slinking back and fourth for a bit by mine, when i could stay unnoticed.
Hey Chuckey! I have been looking for a blue silkie roo for over 2 months now. Do you by chance have any blues????

Hi Everybody - Sorry, I have been off this thread for awhile due to an exploding email inbox.

We have Black Copper and Birchen Marans right now - pullets and cockerels as well as chicks. Also, Buff Laced and Gold Laced Brahmas, Coronation Sussex, Speckled Sussex, Welsummers, Lavender Orpingtons, Cuckoo and Splash Marans and lots of Silkies and Serama. We're hatching all the time and have a boatload of chicks right now. We're NPIP and AI certified.

This year we'll be adding Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons and we're hoping to get some Jubilee Orpingtons from some breeder friends. We welcome visitors at the ranch in Chuckey so if you would like to see our operation and birds, just email or PM me. Our website is located at the URL shown in my signature block below.
Quote: Grawg
I am just a technology teacher. I can't be expected to know how to USE this stuff!

Did you see? You can change the font color and make any text a quote. I think I might like this after all!

Quote: Bairo

I have to admit that I really am cell phone challenged. I'm pretty sure there are ways to set Safari preferences on my phone, I just haven't exactly located it... I really hope they develop that app soon. On my phone you can type five letters before it gives you the click sound and displays what you just typed on the screen. It is almost funny.

OOOH, you can insert source code!!! NOW we're talking!
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