Eastern Tennessee Thread

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ADM also has dealers here in TN. I go to Lakeshore Store in Bean Station to buy their Egg balancer in pellet form.I could pick up for others and delivery as long as it is not too far. Knoxville would be too far.

I will be incubating this comming month. If any one wants chicks or even eggs to incubat for themselves let me know.I am only doing the partridge rocks in large size. I can do a pullet only order But if you want a large order of pullets it might take more than one hatching to fill. Also you will have to wait till after chicks are 4 weeks old for me to true sex them. Pm if interested.

Hope everyone is OK with all that rain last night. We have some standing water but nothing down yet as far as trees.
i just suggested the games, as i have had multiple "game" cocks, even ones that were raised/trained and won (apparently) knife etc fights, and they are just fine with my neighbor kids, other types of pets, and other "game cocks" from same situation. so guess like when i did bully breed and wolf hybrid rescue.. they are all pack/flock animals and they instinctively are pre disposed to group, and easy to retrain if abused into having to learn to fight for their lives! honestly the egg layers ive had and seen were a lot more evil than any "game" bird i had. its amazing what second hand here say people belive, as seen a lot tell around here that if you end up with game chicks, you should give them to game bird keepers so they can be properly contained and controlled that otherwise theyll kill your other birds.. hahaha any one with brains would see this is just game bird fighters (as dog fighters do up were im originally from do), fooling people into giving them free "fighting type" animals, and promoting the stereotypes. its like saying all black people are criminals.. lol id hoped people on this site would have more sense, and make my former proffession not needed, were people wouldnt just ay theyre are all bred to and want to fight so why care about them at all.
I in no way said I hate them because of their "bad rap"- I love pit bulls! I don't like them as a breed, just as I can say (though I'm not a big dog person, more cat) I don't like pugs and bulldogs (they snore ick), still dogs but just not something that turns me on as far as a breed type. Just an FYI, I can't stand them because they're loud crowers, I may be able to stand a hen but no roosters.. the more something makes noise the more I don't like it, why I don't like dogs - they bark and have to be walked and taken out to pee.

i just suggested the games, as i have had multiple "game" cocks, even ones that were raised/trained and won (apparently) knife etc fights, and they are just fine with my neighbor kids, other types of pets, and other "game cocks" from same situation. so guess like when i did bully breed and wolf hybrid rescue.. they are all pack/flock animals and they instinctively are pre disposed to group, and easy to retrain if abused into having to learn to fight for their lives! honestly the egg layers ive had and seen were a lot more evil than any "game" bird i had. its amazing what second hand here say people belive, as seen a lot tell around here that if you end up with game chicks, you should give them to game bird keepers so they can be properly contained and controlled that otherwise theyll kill your other birds.. hahaha any one with brains would see this is just game bird fighters (as dog fighters do up were im originally from do), fooling people into giving them free "fighting type" animals, and promoting the stereotypes. its like saying all black people are criminals.. lol id hoped people on this site would have more sense, and make my former proffession not needed, were people wouldnt just ay theyre are all bred to and want to fight so why care about them at all.
I in no way said I hate them because of their "bad rap"- I love pit bulls! I don't like them as a breed, just as I can say (though I'm not a big dog person, more cat) I don't like pugs and bulldogs (they snore ick), still dogs but just not something that turns me on as far as a breed type. Just an FYI, I can't stand them because they're loud crowers, I may be able to stand a hen but no roosters.. the more something makes noise the more I don't like it, why I don't like dogs - they bark and have to be walked and taken out to pee.

Im with you there Stang. I think all chicken breeds are "cool" in their own way, but I certainly would not own a game either.
And you remind me that I sooooo wish we could train Harley to use a litter box, I got all wet this morning taking him out only to have him do #2 in the basement before I was in long enough to get my shoes off. And his # 2 aint exactly small, its like a 4 paper towel clean up.
I in no way said I hate them because of their "bad rap"- I love pit bulls! I don't like them as a breed, just as I can say (though I'm not a big dog person, more cat) I don't like pugs and bulldogs (they snore ick), still dogs but just not something that turns me on as far as a breed type. Just an FYI, I can't stand them because they're loud crowers, I may be able to stand a hen but no roosters.. the more something makes noise the more I don't like it, why I don't like dogs - they bark and have to be walked and taken out to pee.

well then, that makes perfect sense, though the leghorns were horribly louder than the OE, dutch whatever their called and called something else here for ability to be sturdy "gameness", and mexican game birds i had, or i just had horribly loud ones.. one roo would crow at 8pm, midnight, and 3am, like clockwork! my family wanted to cook him. lol

my apologies for assuming based on what was posted.

my cat refuses to use the litter box also, so needs to be let out, and wouldnt use it even when gone and locked her in master bedroom storage with it, and just yowled and waddled to the door when i got back from being gone for a day or so. nutty cat. she also is so much more louder than my dog, though outside they are opposites and he is loud when playing with neighbor children, and she just stalks silent and runs up and gets into things from sidelines occassionally.
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Yeah, any "loud" bird that I can hear through my thin walled trailer, and at night, will become fried chicken... When I first got into chickens I experimented by getting bantams and I ended up with a rosecomb little Jap thing that crowed non-stop - irritated us because it's to high-pitched when near-by and my ears are sensitive sometimes. He was one of the first to go to crockpot, couldn't stand him and I swore no more bantam roosters, or anything that sounded like em! I also don't like altering a chickens natural look, I couldn't cut a chickens comb off... UNLESS, it meant life or death, I wouldn't want people to cut my body parts off!

That's a photo of him before we decided to eat him! I hated that little bird!
yeah.. never had japs myself, and heard from some they can be really quiet, but japs ive heard, and heard about from most are super loud and constant crowers, where my show pure rosecomb hardly crowed, or his half OEGB son, and you couldnt hear unless in room or maybe right outside of with door open. the OE were quiet also, but the bantam OE were horrible at times. still the leghorns wont be for you if you hate aggression, but here the red leghorns are a lot better, so maybe find a red cock, and wouldnt be so bad, and technically called same pretty much, just breeding hens back to father will give brown eggs. thinking on it, a lot on here have had dutch, sumatra, and hand ful of others, that are catagorized as game birds, but they are bred mostly just for show now, but retain som hardy instincts and go feral and forage/free range very well. i recently had a rescue sumatra from fighting line, and she was evil as can be for first couple days till tamed her down, then she would follow around like dog, and never bothered the other animals, except if bug bins were open, then she demolished them.. i also dont believe in dubbing for fashion/show, but most on here do, though have had to have pros dubb due to infection, frostbite, bad wounds etc. the white leghorns however, id advise to just dub once the combs flop over, as they do much better without, in foraging, not getting them torn up and bleeding all over (from each other too), can watch for preds better, and just takes away frost bite possability and retain heat in winter better. they never seemed to have trouble in summer from lack of heat venting combs (no need to dubb the wattles on the hens), but some older OE seemed to over heat quicker with being dubbed, in summer.
Well I guess I can cross OE off of my list of breeds I will never own, because of Bob. I don't anything about the LF, but she hasn't uttered a peep since she hatched her chicks. I don't think I would actively go out and add any to my flock, but I would willingly make room for one if it needed a home.

The only ones that remain on the list is any of the moderns. Those things creep me out!!

ETA: @Stang, that little thing couldn't have given you more than 6 oz. of meat!!
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