Eastern Washington

Yeah, I'm pretty happy it's only a once(maybe twice) ever kind of thing for me! :D

Ruth laid another egg today that is her usual size. Glad to see the gigantic egg didn't really disrupt her.
Congratulations, Chae! Having chickens is even more fun with kids.

Vicki, you are doing great on the world wide web. Good for you to just get out there and try stuff. I remember teaching my mom how to use the computer and I think a good thing to know is that you really just need to get in there and click stuff! Don't be afraid!

Thanks for liking my photos. I have another link for you because I think you would like this entry about the huge newbie mistake I made with our baby goats: http://saltspringsprout.wordpress.com/category/diary/
You have got to publish a book sometime in the future. You've already got all this beautiful text, just keep going, and some day your work load will lessen, and you can publish. I'm serious. I don't usually find time to read, but I couldn't let this go. You really have a gift. Thanks so much for sharing your stories.
Oh, gee. You are sweet. Thank you.
Also, I forgot to answer your question about the unwanted male chicks. Yes, Ideal did a good job of letting me know there'd be free male chicks in my order. They only do it when the orders are small.
HI! I don't have much to add to the discussion; just wanted to introduce myself. I'm married with 2 beautiful girls, ages 4 and 1. Currently living in Moses Lake with a small flock that consists of 3 Barred Rocks (Henrietta, Gertrude, and Matilda), plus 2 new spring chicks that are currently 5 weeks: a New Hampshire Red (Ms Pennyfeather), and a Silver Laced Wyandotte (Dottie). We also ended up with a Golden Sex-linked rooster we are trying to re-home for flock or pot. The Barred Rocks are nearing the end of their laying lives at 3 or 4 years. They were hand-me-down chickens from my in-laws. They said we could have their coop, if we took the chickens too
outdoorgal, Welcome aboard! You don't need to add anything to a discussion around here. Just jump in anytime.
Hope you find a place to re-home your rooster. Are you not allowed to have one in town? We're a friendly bunch, especially when the weather's crummy and we're inside. If it's nice out, you may not hear from anyone for a few days.
Well, glad you found our place. I think you're the first one from Moses Lake. I live just west of Cle Elum.
HI! I don't have much to add to the discussion; just wanted to introduce myself. I'm married with 2 beautiful girls, ages 4 and 1. Currently living in Moses Lake with a small flock that consists of 3 Barred Rocks (Henrietta, Gertrude, and Matilda), plus 2 new spring chicks that are currently 5 weeks: a New Hampshire Red (Ms Pennyfeather), and a Silver Laced Wyandotte (Dottie). We also ended up with a Golden Sex-linked rooster we are trying to re-home for flock or pot. The Barred Rocks are nearing the end of their laying lives at 3 or 4 years. They were hand-me-down chickens from my in-laws. They said we could have their coop, if we took the chickens too

Hi Outdoorgal! Welcome!
Wow... such a deal from your inlaws!
and like others have said... just jump in any ol' time!
Get my chicks today!!!!! Hooray!!! Getting nervous... like bringing a new baby home! haha... can't wait to see how my dogs do with them... wish me luck!
Oh maggierose, I'm so excited for you! Will you be picking them up at the P.O.? Where are they coming from? As soon as you have a chance, let us know, okay? I'll be getting mine in a couple months, so I'd really like to know how it goes. Hope it all goes well for you!
Vickis girls, we are out of town so could technically have the roo. We just want a flock of all hens since we are just interested in eggs and need to keep a smaller flock.
Maggierose, yay!! Can't wait to hear about the new chicks.
arghhh... went to pick up my peeps... they are delayed until Friday... I know that's only tomorrow but sheesh!! Oh well, they'll be home soon! I even had a dream about them last night! hahahaha... one had a giant beak like one of those beautiful parrots... think I am a crazy chicken lady already

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