Eastern Washington

Wouldn't you know, of the four "pullets" I got this year, two (the Cochin and the gold-lace Wyandotte) turned out to be boys! I mostly ordered my hatching eggs out of spring fever, but now I am glad I did! I really want four pullets this year, so hopefully out of my seven eggs, at least 2 are girls! (I feel like it is actually a dicey thing since I am using shipped eggs...I hope I can beat the 50% hatch rate everyone warns of! My first time with shipped though, so we will see!)
I am so happy to find this thread! I grew up in Montana, my hubby grew up in Dayton, and after many years the military brought us back to WA at Ft. Lewis. We jumped on a chance to buy some land outside of Dixie (just E of Walla Walla) a couple years ago, and now we are building on it this year with plans to move there this fall. After a couple years of growing moss/mold I CAN'T WAIT to move back to a climate and community more like what I grew up with. Sigh.
Hi! We have sort of the same circumstance. We currently live in Auburn but recently bought a place in Goldendale. Our son is living there now and we plan to move in a couple years. We go over a couple times a month to work on the place. It's going to be wonderful when we finally get there. Peace and quiet!!!
Our girls have really picked up production, we've been getting three eggs a day more often than not. Marie is still taking a break, but I think she's going through a light molt. We're going to have to clip one of Marie's wings, she keeps flying up to the top of the fence. She's the one I worry about because she's very independent, while the other three stick pretty close together.

I got to do a pregnancy pin-up shoot with a friend the other day, it was super fun!

Though I think my expression is more scared than cheesecake...
Chae, we didn't find out with either of our girls and it drove people nuts that we decided not to know until they got here. Love the pic!

Maggierose, our dog does a chick check when we get home too, lol.

Sorry to everyone getting the late spring snow! There's none here, but we're further south so we don't generally get much anyway.
absolutely adorable picture, Chaebird!!

my girls first "dust bath" this am... I can see why people think their chick is having a seizure! hahaha

22 degrees here this am... oh brother!
Hi! We have sort of the same circumstance. We currently live in Auburn but recently bought a place in Goldendale. Our son is living there now and we plan to move in a couple years. We go over a couple times a month to work on the place. It's going to be wonderful when we finally get there. Peace and quiet!!!

That does sound familiar! We looked at a place in Goldendale too, but couldn't find exactly what we wanted. We certainly won't miss the time on the road or the gas bills...now that the end is near it seems like a harder and harder trip to make, although we can practically do it with our eyes closed now!
We are heading over there the weekend of the tenth to coordinate the dig-out for the house foundation, and I am hoping I can stake out the site for my new chicken coop too...maybe even dig some holes for the corner posts! It will be so nice to finally have my horses and chickens in permanent, proper housing!
absolutely adorable picture, Chaebird!! 

my girls first "dust bath" this am... I can see why people think their chick is having a seizure!  hahaha

22 degrees here this am... oh brother!  :th

It is hilarious, isn't it? The other thing that gets me is when they sun bathe. Especially my RIR...she will find a warm bank, flop on her side, and be so out of it I can actually walk up and poke her a few times before she rouses. The first time I really was worried she was dead! Glenda is a special girl though... I will share her story one of these days!

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