Eastern Washington

Chae, love the new coop. That's funny because we call our chain link dog kennel-turned -coop "Fort Knox" too. We covered the chain link in chicken wire, so nothing big OR little can get in (we have rats and weasels here). Nice to know they are safe at night!

Vicki, congrats on the hatch! It is always so exciting, and 1/7 is not bad for shipped eggs. It wasn't you! Enjoy the new fluffy!

Maggie, I will have to try blueberries...my boss hen will eat anything I offer, and the rest follow suit, so I have it easy :)

Clickerchick, that's so funny! I am just getting going clicker training a new horse, never thought of trying it on the chickens! Keep us posted...

As for me, they delivered the lumber for our house construction, so I am one step closer to being an E-sider. Yay!
That's so nice Chae. There's nothing like good friends. It's funny, the little things we take for granted(like a nap) become so treasured once baby comes. How have you and her been doing?

We're doing well. I have an appointment tomorrow with the midwife to check on my healing. I can be up and about for short walks around the house, but I'm still hurting too much for long errands.
Junebug is up 10oz from her birthweight, so evidently breastfeeding is going well, even though I keep feeling like I'm not doing it right. She's still a night owl, but we're sleeping okay. Husband goes back to work next week, I'm nervous about being on my own.

Nice job on Chicken Knox, [COLOR=FF0000]ChaeBird! [/COLOR] how nice you got a nap, too!!  So important!  Kiss Juniper from me

Thank you, I will! :D

Chae, love the new coop. That's funny because we call our chain link dog kennel-turned -coop "Fort Knox" too. We covered the chain link in chicken wire, so nothing big OR little can get in (we have rats and weasels here). Nice to know they are safe at night!

I love it, too! It's so much more secure for the girls. It really helps our peace of mind, my husband was losing sleep worrying about the chickens.
Glad you and daughter are doing well Chae.
Saturday's hatch was so beautiful. Now to the reality of this little chick who has imprinted with humans and thinks he needs to be held all day. He cries so loudly it makes me want to run away. There's so much to do around here and I don't know what I would do without Emmalee(granddaughter). She's happy to bundle him in a washcloth and take him for field trips outside. That makes he and I really happy too. I will ask around today and see if anyone has a new hatchling I could borrow for a couple months.
Ninetrees, thanks for saying it wasn't my fault. I didn't think it could have been, but this was my first hatch, so I didn't know for sure. I had been candling the eggs, and they had lit up all along with no changes, so at day 18, I removed them and opened them up. they looked just like if you broke open a fresh egg and wisked it up a bit. Maybe rough shipping. So now I don't know what's wrong with me...I bid on 6 more eggs last week on that "Crazy 24 hour auction" they have on here, and no one else bid, so 7 more eggs in the Brinsea, and just hoping for 2+ or none at all. This must be the chicken math thing.
Anyway, the little guy in my avatar is this new baby. He looks like he's right out of a preschooler's coloring book. So darned cute.
Chaebird, hang in there! You'll do fine! It's natural to feel like you're not doing things right, but the proof you are is in her weight. I commend people for breastfeeding as it was not easy for me. I only made it 12wks and the last 6 I was pumping at work and running to my mom's at lunchtime. Miserable..
My girl had bad colic until about 5m ( one reason I have an only child!). I blamed myself and i was really hard on me. I hope you do not have that experience. It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job!
Boy, have I been tested this year! The first year and a half with poultry went rather smooth, but these last few months ( especially the last few weeks) have drug me down. The latest concerns are a leghorn with bumble foot in both feet and my only Silkie hen who vanished from my backyard yesterday afternoon. Probably gonna get rid of the Silkie roosters and just give up on them altogether.
Hope the rest of you are having better luck! Stay cool!!!
Hi Bloominginger
Welcome aboard!

We're all pretty new here, some of us more than others. My chicks are 5 weeks old, and the new one I hatched is 3 days old. I'm so new at this that I hadn't even thought about non gmo. feed. Don't know how far east you are, but I bet your local farm supply could answer your question. Wow, I feel like a stupid chicken mom for now even looking into what's in this chick starter.
Hi! New to BYC and was wondering where to find non gmo feed on the east side of the mountains?
Not sure if this is close enough to you but I get my feed at Valley Feed in Wenatchee. Bruce is the owner and he is awesome. Call him and ask him about his feed to double check but I'm pretty sure it is non-GMO. It's as close to organic as I can afford and local :)

735 N. Wenatchee Ave.
Wenatchee, Wa 98801
(509) 662-9444
Don't feel stupid! I sell eggs at our farmers market, and last year it was all about organic feed, and this year it's about non gmo. You'd think that being in the middle of the agricultural side of the state, it would be easier to find!

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