Eastern Washington

I guess I'll be the lone Spokanite joining the Eastern WA thread. I'm taking the plunge to become an illegal chicken keeper. My home in unincorporated Spokane Co (Greenacres to be exact) is in a "low density residential" zone which does not allow for the keeping of chickens, even as a pet. I have a large fenced lot though, neighbors who have no problem with me having hens, and three young kids and a husband who are so excited about having the birds. Our Eglu coop should arrive any day now, and it looks like we'll be headed to the nearest Northwest Seed and Pet to get ourselves some Ameracauna chicks. I would have loved to have gotten some barred rocks from McMurray's hatchery.....until I found out the minimum order was 25 chicks!! I only have room for 3.

After I found out that I wasn't legally allowed to keep chickens on my property, I was going to use my position in the media to rally support for backyard chickens. Since our family decided to go ahead and get the birds despite the zoning ordinance, my husband thinks it's a better idea to lay low, so as not to draw any unwanted attention to our backyard!

Wish me luck!

-Michelle Bos
Good luck Michelle, and welcome to the thread. I am in Omak.
Now this looks like a thread I need to belong to. My wife and I retired (lived in Bremerton) and moved over here a few years ago. We love the privacy, weather and wild life. Much prefer this side to the wet side.

We currently have a few red stars and two black stars that are my laying gals. We're raising 5 Barred rocks and 8 Buff Orpington roosters for freezer camp. They're 9 weeks old and entertain us with their attempts at crowing. Plan on keeping one to provide morning music.
Okay I am lurking from the other side of the hill, but I agree with your DH about laying low, that is until someone says or does something. Then I would let them have it if you have way to do it in the media. Congratulations on your new chickens.
Hi everybody,

I'm a dry sider as well, specifically in the Tri Cities. My family and I are embarking on our first chicken journey and I'm in the middle of building our coop for 4 - 6 hens. I'm building the coop out of pallets and plywood and we're calling it the "girls playhouse". Our neighborhood isn't zoned for chickens because they are considered livestock here, but I am unable to find a specific municipal code barring them. All of our neighbors keep to themselves so it shouldn't be a problem as long as there aren't any roosters and the smell is minimized. I guess we'll just be criminal chicken keepers.

We're getting involved with chickens for a few reasons. I think it's important that our kids ( 2 girls 9, 13) know where and how we get are food and it will be a good way for them to learn some more responsibility. My wife also wants the freshest eggs possible and eats 2 or 3 a day. We are also trying to work our way to being self reliant.
What kind of chickens would everybody recommend for us? My wife eats alot of eggs, 3 a day, and that is her main interest for chickens. Because we may or may not be illegal the chickens need to be fairly quiet, no roosters. Your probably already familiar with the weather we have on this side and my coop is on the east side of the house, shaded and out of the prevailing winds from the south west. Basically, we need something fairly weather hardy, lots of eggs - the bigger the eggs the better, friendly/easy going, and not too noisy. Also, does anyone have a line on where we can get some chickens/chicks before the spring order at the local feed store?

If you are near Spokane, WA, Northwest Seed and Pet recently had Ameraucana chicks (hatched August 11th). We got our chicks from that batch. Those might already be gone, but I'm guessing if they had some this time of year, there might be more coming in. We are new to chicken raising, and trying to be inconspicuous about it (by having just 3 hens) as it does go against the county zoning laws in our suburban neighborhood. Fortunately, none of my immediate neighbors have a problem with living next door to a few hens.

New "parent" to 3 of the most adorable 1 1/2 week old Ameraucana chicks!

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