Eat Mo' Chiiiiiken!! Egg Tsunamiiii (FBCMs, CMs, SS, W & Bant Asst)


10 Years
Mar 29, 2009
Russell County
Expect an assortment! This is a WONDERFUL way to get a bunch of eggs and try out different breeds for cheapo-deapo!
I cannot guarantee what you will and what you will not get, just expect a little of each!

You can either purchase the 12-egg-pack for $15 or the 24-egg-pack for $30! + $15 shipping!

If you're getting the 12-pack, expect 3 extras!
If you're getting the 24-pack, expect 6 extras!

I have Pure French Black Copper Marans, Speckled Sussex and Cuckoo Marans!
I will soon have some Pure Lakenvelders pretty soon!
I have a bantam assortment (mixes) with some heavies mixed in with those bantams as well as heavies mixed in with some CMs (Buff Orps have been bred to FBCMs, Australorp and Barred Rock bred to CMs). I also have Welsummer hens in with the Speckled Sussex! Should produce amazing mixes!

Some of the mixes are: Barred Rock, Australorps, Silver Spangled Hamburg, Red Cochin Bantams, Golden Campines, Silkies (Splash & White), Barred Rock Bantam Mix, Rhode Island Red Bantam, Buff Orpingtons and Black Spanish! I will also have some Sex-Links! Once in a blue, I will try to throw in a pheasant egg

If you're wanting something else, I can mix and match eggs for you to customize your egg order!

SS + SS/W are $15 a dozen

FBlackCopperMs are sold as 1/2 dozen for $20
Cuckoo Marans are sold as $20 a dozen
Bantam Assortment are $10 a dozen

Please, EXPECT extras! I will ALWAYS spoil you guys silly

Shipping is $15, whether you purchase 15 eggs or 30 eggs

Currently I have tried shipping 36 eggs by smooshing eggs together - it seems pretty fail-proof now

*ALSO, If you live in a cold climate and would like your eggs to arrive in a styrofoam box to protect them from freezing, I'll pay $5, if you'll split $5 with me to order them

If you live closer (a state close to Kansas) LET ME KNOW! So I can bombard you with eggs!!!

Please PM me or purchase!!!

I would like to say that the 30 eggs I ordered was beautifully wrapped and packaged. Not 1 of my eggs were clear. Monday will be 7 days in the incubator!!!! Her eggs are very pretty also!!! I will order from Christina again.....also I think I made a wonderful friend through this transaction!!!!

Aw thanks

Guess what? I learned that you can ship 36 eggs in those large flat rates
HAHAHA, everyone is in such BIG trouble now
Had I know I could ship 36 (I used someone as a guinea pig LOL) without any broken, I would have shot you a CRAP load of eggs too HAHAHA! Next time
expect it!!!!
You're not going to get away THAT easily!!! hahaha! I'll sneak you in a duck egg someday

Sorry for the eggs being a wee bit scratched up... BUT millow stalks work great (less muddy eggs since the millow wipes the birds feet off and no wet eggs!!!!!!

PS. I send dinosaur eggs too
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Darn, I must be tired! I only see 28 eggs in that pic.

Haha, she's missing the half part of her egg rack LOL

I'll post peechures of parents!
If the Speckled Sussexes and Welsummers weren't molting I'd get new pictures again (gosh, they look so naked... don't they say birds don't lay eggs DURING molt? Well, someone needs to tell these girls that! The SS are bombarding the life outta me with eggs! I think I have some underneath my HINEY
Need to hatch 'em out

I'll post peechures by tomorrow!
Oh, something I'm embarassed to tell people... I spend too much time picking the best eggs and wrapping them!

Someone just told me 13 out of 15 eggs are to hatch out this week...
38 out of 50 hatched out just recently
I will be keeping updates on everyone else
I like to know how hatches go!
I had a 75% embryo formation on a test hatch (mind you, these were the old eggs leftover haha, I never get nice eggs to myself)
And umm... Yeah!

Once in awhile the post office does make oopsies (like loses a box, however, that is the box that has 13 out of 15 that are doing really well) or bashes the crap out of eggs, but I will help refund! I have yet to have a broken egg - it's actually been awhile; I may have had 2-5 broken eggs out of ... gosh... 10-15 dozen eggs I've sent out? Pretty good lol If you have a bad hatch rate due to either incubation issues or whatever, I will often try to replace them as long as the birds are laying
THey're pee-key!

Oh, I'll have to post Peechures of Opal
on her batch of eggs she's sitting on! :-/ sorry everyone, but Opal is broody! So no eggs from her
Your joyful personality and promises of well sent eggs has peeked my curiosity. What are the chances of getting pures? And if by chance you do throw in a duck egg or two, what kind of ducks do you have? I personally don't want any more Mallards, lol. I love the pair I have, but they are crab apples! I'm curious. I might get some from you, but I'd like to know more. Thanks!

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