Eatin Wild things? Racoon cooking??


8 Years
Jan 26, 2013
Clinton, MD
Recently I got a cookbook for wild game, I thought it was just about Ducks since that was on the cover but.... It had squirrel, an, raccoon and even BEAR! Now I know some people eat opossums (HOW I dunno) but has anyone actually tried Raccoon? Since I know they break in so many coops I was wondering if anyone ever got fed up and decided to roast one, what in the HECK did it even taste like? (I have NO plans on cooking any that come in my yard but I'm crazy curious! I can't even imagine it lol!)
I have been waiting for a couple years for someone to get me a good recipe for squirrel. I also need a source for squirrel meat, 'cause I ain't gonna kill and dress any of the squirrels in my yard. But I'd like to taste squirrel meat... Then I might talk a neighbor of mine into taking care of the local squirrels - he hates them.

My chickens chase them all the time. One silkie rooster will stay at the base of a tree and crow at squirrels he's chased up there. He will follow them from tree to tree, too.

I don't know why I want to try squirrel... I don't even eat my own poultry!
I've had it when I was really small like 4, its tangy like an orange almost sweet it was really good till I found out what it was! The cookbook I got was this one used about 4- bucks . It was one of the more reasonably priced books with Duck and goose recipes in it but it doesn't have a whole lot of Duck. I probably won't even end up using it cuz I don't think I'll have the heart to kill them XD.
XD maybe I'm more adventurous? I mean I could eat that alligator and other things but the raccoon and the bear? No... just no the recipies look SUPER good but omg I can't do it esp after I watched a video just now of someone gutting/cleaning it DX!
I have been waiting for a couple years for someone to get me a good recipe for squirrel. I also need a source for squirrel meat, 'cause I ain't gonna kill and dress any of the squirrels in my yard. But I'd like to taste squirrel meat... Then I might talk a neighbor of mine into taking care of the local squirrels - he hates them.

My chickens chase them all the time. One silkie rooster will stay at the base of a tree and crow at squirrels he's chased up there. He will follow them from tree to tree, too.

I don't know why I want to try squirrel... I don't even eat my own poultry!
Squirrel season usually opens somewhere in the September in California. If you neighbor is a hunter, it should be no problem for him to get one for you.
Never tried raccoon or oppossum. Only tried squirrel and bear meat. I don't know if it's just me, but bear meat taste similar to beef. I was quite surprised.
The possum I never liked. The coon is very good. its been a long long time since I ate it though. Never had bear...But want to. Squirrel is very good. To be honest most of eating anything is really how its cooked. But its hard to screw up coon ,squirrel and rabbit no matter how you cook it. Frogs, alligator and rattlesnake mostly do taste like chicken ( all best fried to me BTW). Ducks and deer are great as long as there is a good recipe or cook. Also never tried NA antelope but want to. Im kinda like Andrew Zimmern. Ill try anything once.
I pretty much eat any kind of meat you serve me. I hope my husband brings me a ground hog this year. I had turtle , frog, snake possum, horse highland cattle and who knows what done hill folks their in the stew pot. I eat and don't ask. Looking forward to trying balut or thousand year old eggs. How about some pickled bologna, boiled peanuts and a beer.

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