Eating Healthy

I probably have no business commenting on this thread as I am 5'3" and 120lbs, don't exercise a lot, and eat the WORST stuff (corn dogs, fish sticks, DR PEPPER (lots of it) Sweet tea, whole milk, ice cream, crackers, etc, etc etc) but I do have to say that most people make the mistake of thinking that if they eat less they will lose weight NO your body will think it is starving and store fat...actually causing you to tire sooner and actually gain weight! The best thing is many small meals. Don't stress if you find your self at a fast food won't undo what you have done as long as you don't order a HUGE combo meal and supersize it and eat the whole thing!

Now that I have said this I am going to wake up 400lbs!!

Good luck to everyone! I thought about trying the better food and more exercise thing, but I just LOVE DP and "kid food" and am LAZY!!!!! And if I posted what I ate here each day I would embarrass myself!! For example today:
Breakfast: big bowl of Cinnamon Life
Lunch: Grilled Cheese with tomato soup (for dipping only...I hate tomato soup)
Dinner: probably fish sticks or corn dogs
After dinner snack: Ruffles or Ritz

And I normally skip breakfast (oops....get to workin outside and forget it)

March 26

Breakfast: Banana

Snack: Bugles and Coke (whoops)

Lunch: A serving of pretzels. Unsweetened ice tea

Snack: none

Dinner: Burgers and chips

Dessert: 1/3 of a chocolate hen

Yesterday did not got at ALL as planned, and turned out to be kind of a stressful day. I did exercise, tho!!
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Wegotchickens - is a vitamin gumball just what it sounds like?

March 26

Breakfast: flaxsnax hot cereal with splenda and coffees.

Lunch: (already have it planned) prime rib slice and green beans.

Din Din: 2 fried eggs over easy, bacon and lowcarb rye toast, 1 cup of goldfish

Not one diet or way of eating is good for everyone, as individuals we have to figure what works for each one of us. Unfortunately, as we age our bodies change and our eating habits have to change too. :| Me - I have to excercise a bit more.
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Yes. They sell them in the vitamin section of Walgreens or Wal-mart. They taste a little funny, but they don't upset my stomach like solid vitamins ALWAYS do.

It's a fun way to do vitamins, I do feel better when I chew one regularly, and they even make a version with extra vitamin C.

Here's a web site with more info, if you're interested.

youngest wouldn't take vitamins at ALL, so this has made a real difference for her. This is the only way she can have gum on a regular basis
March 26

Coffee with cream and splenda
low sugar oatmeal (then splenda on top lol )

hot chocolate

entire can vegetable soup
Diet Dr Pepper

2 Boca burgers
lots of ketchup
March 27, 2008

Bottled Water
Coffee with cream and splenda
low sugar oatmeal with splenda added

Hot chocolate

entire can of tomato soup
5 crackers
Diet Dr Pepper

Bottled Water
? Not sure yet, need to see what I have left
March 27

Breakfast: Serving pretzels, serving almond m&m's, unsweetened tea

Snack: Vitamin gumball, chewed until flavorless, then added piece of bubble yum, orig. flavor

Lunch: More pretzels, or popcorn. Not sure yet




Exercised this morning. Gonna be one of those days.
Thanks for the info Wegot, I'll look into it. I don't like to swallow vitamins, I prefer to just eat properly, but when I don't I should eat a vitamin, but I'll go for the gum!

March 27
Breakfast: Coffees, and softboiled egg. And an alleve for the headache. (tax season is almost over!)
March 28, 2008

Coffee with cream and splenda
2 packages instant oatmeal

entire can vegetable soup
clear american (artificially sweetened sparkling water)

Chicken Fried rice

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