Eating Healthy

You're a New Egg, now!

I find it's easier for me to tend my garden when I'm watching chickens, too. So my garden is getting better every year.
I'll definitely be eating healthier as we get closer to summer! I've already warned the kids to be expecting many more veggies from the garden on their plates!!
Speaking of gardens: We broke ground in an overgrown pasture last year, to which for 15 years we had been hauling into our horses hay from every corner of the tri-county area. You wouldn't believe the weeds, but putting up with them was a trade off for the benefit derived from the accumulated horse manure. Without it, we wouldn't have been able to grow anything in the otherwise sandy ground. (None of my neighbors has a garden, and the area farmers all use chemicals to make their lands fertile.)

Reflecting on the hours I spent digging up roots just to plant a few rows of peas and beans and a few other vegies last year brings back conflicting memories of sore muscles and exhaustion, and a loss of over 30 pounds. I can tell you one thing for sure, I'm grateful the land is easier to plant this year because I love gardening, but I'm getting way to old for that kind of work.
April 22

Breakfast: 3 pretzel rods, unsweetened tea

Lunch: Leftover tilapia & veggie rice mix. Boss walked by with a Sunkist orange soda though
So guess what I got from the vending machine minutes later...

Dinner: Burger & sides from the soccer game tonight.

KSANDERS1, a garden is a good investment but a lot of work. I use raised bed gardens since our yard is hard, packed orange clay. Had to use a lot of water for them last summer (draught). So this winter I redug two beds and laid a layer of water absorbing crystals 3-4 feet down. I ached for days, but am feeling kinda smug since I'll be using less water this summer!
I tested those crystals in several plants last summer and they seemed to make a difference if you got them in deep and then watered them REALLY good for the first 48 hours. And I 'planted' mine right as the spring rains were starting so they are fully charged and ready for summer!
Uh oh. I'm all alone....

April 23

Breakfast: 1 mango, 1 banana, 1/2 a hard boiled egg, 8 ounces of Full Throttle (4 hours sleep last night)

Lunch: egg salad sandwich, serving of all-natural cheese doodles, unsweetened ice tea.

Snack: Kettle Korn from Dollywood, diced peaches, unsweetened ice tea

Dinner: Pork roast in the crock pot with a quart of homemade s'ghetti sauce from last summer. Already smelled good when I left the house this morning! Asparagus from the garden on the side, and spaghetti noodles. Maybe a small salad from the garden (red lettuce, spinach & radishes).

Dessert: a chocolate glazed donut
I've been doing terribly with eating healthy which is why i haven't posted in ages. But i'm going to try again. Here goes:


9:30 am
oatmeal with steamed milk
Latte with honey

Wendy's chicken sandwich and fries and sprite
(chicken sandwich was horrible -- good lesson not to eat fast food again) but I had to run errands during lunch hour and there is nothing but diners and fastfood around here.

4 pm
tiny brownie
5 small pieces homemade beef jerky

8 pm
sausage soup with sweet potatoes and watercress
homemade yogurt with apple and maple syrup
Not quite yet

Tuesday April 22

Coffee with cream and splenda

more coffee


chicken quesadilla and potaote olays from Taco John's
Mt Dew

Wednesday April 23, 2008

coffee with cream and splenda

more coffee

homemade chicken fried rice
Hot chocolate

homemade wheat bread with chicken salad spread
light cherry kool aide
Phew! Glad to see I'm not all alone...

chickenannie, keep posting. You can see we've all been bad

Sometimes thinking about having to post what I've eaten makes me think twice. Sad how often that's happened and I still have to post bad stuff though

Missed ya ksacres. You know, you'r doing better than you used to, but it seems like you go awfully far into the day before eating any solid food sometimes... How can you stand it?
Most of the time, that's not actually a choice I make, it's made for me. I don't have time in the mornings to make myself something decent to eat, so I usually don't eat anything instead of eating something loaded with sugar that would make me feel ucky.
I just can't go that long without food, although I rarely eat breakfast at home since I'm not hungry the first 2 hours that I'm up.
I have a bag of pretzel rods stashed in my desk at work, in a big zippy bag so they'll last.
I have granola bars in the door of my car, and usually carry snack cups of fruit with me, too.

Diabetes runs in my family, and I've had a bleeding ulcer before. So I know I can't let myself go without food for too long. And I'm always amazed by folks that can!

You'd probaby last waaayyy longer on Survivor than I would!
I only like white chocolate covered pretzels-so they would count lol

I have oatmeal in my desk that I can make, but I usually have to wait until it slows down a little before I can eat.

I would NOT last on Survivor-eat bugs?? Ya gotta be kiddin' me!!

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