EcoGlow reviews??

I have had this for a year now,I don't like it for my bantam day old chicks it does not keep them warm enough.I did read that you can take the black leg off one end and keep the other one on and the chicks will go to the lower end to keep warm,I ended up putting a heating pad down for them plus the ecoglow.My house stays 70 so that's not the problem.I`m sure in a few days I can take the heating pad out
Help! My chicks won't get under the eco glow. They just huddle in a corner and chirp like they are freezing. I've set them under it and they just run back out like they are terrified. How do I get them to use it?

This was right before I cleaned the brooder. Don't worry :)
I woould try to put them under it and yhen block it off at both sides so that they can get used to it being nice and warm there. Are you sure it is on? put it with one side to the wall of the box and leave the,other side blocked for about 15 minutes. See what they do if you remove it. The dark will quiet them down. Let us know how they did.
I have 2 tiny SebrightxPolish mix chicks that are just a week old today and they love the EcoGlow 20. I haven't run into any problems with it keeping them warm or with them not wanting to go under it when they need to warm up so far (knock on wood - these are my first chicks). I like the ability to adjust the height and also that it does eliminate the fire hazard of a traditional heat lamp as well. When I was debating on buying it (because it is a good chunk of change), I was told it might help cut back on pasty butt. Since this was my first time hatching and raising chicks, I was willing to take a chance to possibly make things go a little easier for me (which is also why I shelled out the money for a Brinsea incubator as well). So far, no pasty butt!

These two give it 5/5 chirps! :)
Hi Everyone. New to raising chickens and I too, had concerns about fire, cost to run bulbs, etc. Did the math and the EcoGlow20 will be cheaper to run than a brooder lamp (including cost of purchase) as well as give me piece of mind. Just received our chicks today (1day old) and they are doing well with it. Needed to be redirected under it several times before they figured it all out, but so far so good!! Only drawback- you can't see what they're up to under there. A clear box brooder helps with that though. Good Luck to others who'd like to give it a try.
Hi all, we are new yo raising chickens, and to the EcoGlow. Our EcoGlow just came in the mail today (Yay!) and I'm getting ready to set it up. My question is, inside the brooder is a piece of styrofoam. Are you supposed to leave it in when you set up the brooder? Not sure if I'm supposed to remove it or not. Directions don't mention it at all. Thanks in advance.
Thinking of purchasing this but I only get 3 -4 chicks at a time? Will this work for me? I am getting two batches of 4 this spring. I hate running a heat lamp as I keep my brooder in my garage.

Reviews I have read said it's hard to adjust the height? Any problems with that? I will be getting day old chicks so would need lowest setting at first? But will need to raise it? Some suggest using the middle setting and then blocking up as needed? Thoughts on that?

And how long do you use it for? Or do you just leave it in there until feathered?
I got my 14 chicks in the mail yesterday and put them in a tub with my new EcoGlow brooder and they seem very happy! They seem more lively to me than chicks I have raised under heat lamps, and I love seeing them dart in and out from the "mama."

Can you tell me what waterer you are using and where to get one like that? Love your set up, I am looking into getting the Brinsea EcoGlow 20 Chick Brooder as well for my brooder!

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