EcoGlow reviews??

I got my 14 chicks in the mail yesterday and put them in a tub with my new EcoGlow brooder and they seem very happy! They seem more lively to me than chicks I have raised under heat lamps, and I love seeing them dart in and out from the "mama."

My EcoGlow20 arrived the other day. Today, I took it out of the box and plugged it in. It seemed to take a more than a few minutes to begin radiating heat. I put a brooder thermomemter under it in the center and after an hour the temperature on the thermeometer was only 86 degrees. It remained at that temperature for the next hour or so. Is 86 degrees enough for "just born" chicks? Everything else I have read says 95 the first week, 90 the second, 85 the third, etc. Has anyoner else who uses an EcvoGlow measured the temperature under it?
My EcoGlow20 arrived the other day. Today, I took it out of the box and plugged it in. It seemed to take a more than a few minutes to begin radiating heat. I put a brooder thermomemter under it in the center and after an hour the temperature on the thermeometer was only 86 degrees. It remained at that temperature for the next hour or so. Is 86 degrees enough for "just born" chicks? Everything else I have read says 95 the first week, 90 the second, 85 the third, etc. Has anyoner else who uses an EcvoGlow measured the temperature under it?

The weekly temperature drop doesn't matter when you have an EcoGlow. The babies huddle under it, with their backs up against the heating panel.

Using EcoGlow units taught me the chicks really thrive in cooler temperatures than I had thought (or "learned" but that was when I was using heat lamps).

The chicks go under and come out when they are warm and want to run around. I just tuck the chicks under it right out of the incubator.
I love the ecoglow will never go with anything else.. I was concerned about the "heat" when I first used mine, stuck a thermometer under it, reading in the 80's,,if you read the instructions (and others told me this as well), it's putting out a different type of 'heat' than a bulb, which will be fine for the chicks..

The only thing I did was raise up the lid when they got to certain sizes, otherwise I left it plugged in and did nothing..Chicks loved it, and I LOVED not having to worry about fire!
After reading all the good reviews I decided to go with the ecoGlow! I have a 3 year old and was worried about him touching the light bulb so this was a great solution to that problem! Plus Im really paranoid about a fire! I got my egoGlow in the mail today! Now I just have to wait on the chicks to hatch!!
If anyone can tell me how long it'll take to have this pad heat up? I plugged it in for about 30 min now and can't feel a thing! Thanks
When I first plugged mine in, I thought it took a long time to "heat up". It does take a while, and it is not a "hot heat". I would call it a "soft heat". Don't expect it to feel "hot". I put a thermometer below it, and the thermometer never registered more than about 73 degrees. I was a bit concerned, but when it did come time to use it, the chicks loved it. They move out and back under it as they needed the warmth. It is supposed to simulate a mother hen more than a heat lamp. Hope this helps.
I can't feel any heat at all. If I put the thermometer right on it it will read 80 but when I leave the therm under it. It went back down to 70 which is the temp in my house. Thanks thought for the quick respond.
Unlike a heat lamp, the EcoGlow does NOT warm the air; the chicks go under it and their backs are pressed against the heat panel. It is a contact heater. They warm when they need it, and come out to run around when they are warm, then return under it again to warm up. Quite often they hang out along the edge, with just their butts under it.

Another great thing about it is there is no artificial light, so the chicks can live a normal day and night, with darkness at night.
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