EcoGlow reviews??

Dang! I just ordered the OvaScope this week -- without a coupon.

Maybe I should order another EcoGlow. I mean, just look at these happy chicks, and I'm going to have a LOT more in 3 weeks...

I tried the Whisper code last week and it didn't work, but I got in on the last day of the 10% off. I wanted to wait for the bigger ones, but I think 2 smaller ones will be more versatile...and I'll get a bigger one later.

Mine will arrive in the morning! They're a stone's throw away, according to tracking!
My chicks are almost five weeks old. I have the Ecoglow on the highest height level. They still all sleep under there at night and only the little black silky uses it during the day. I have never checked temps in the brooder. The chicks have never cheeped loudly so they have never been cold. They are growing fast.

I think the ecoglow will be great to put out in the coop in the early nights or really cold nights as there is no risk of fire (very little risk anyway). Love mine still!
I have the traditional brooder and I live in an old house....We just take precautions and check it daily. You NEVER know....a friend of a friend, just LOST their house in a 3 alarm fire yesterday morning while they were away on chickens and no brooders were involved! Good luck!
The "Whisper" code is still working, you have to be sure to use a capital "W."

BTW: Brinsea just posted on their Facebook page that they will be posting a 10% off coupon on May 2nd.
I went to Brinsea's face page & read it will be out May 12th. I can't wait. I hate heat lamps. I never can get the right temps while using one. I live in Texas & the temps are never steady except during summer you can count on over a 100 everyday.
We lost everything in a fire about ten years ago, prior to chickens. No one was home, and it was electrical- this is actually my deepest reason for moving to the EcoGlow, because with the lower wattage, the draw on the household wiring is significantly lower, thus a much lower possibility of having the household wiring overheat.

I'll be at 36 watts in my basement plus 8w for the fluorescent bulb for light, when I'm down there...vs 758w for three red bulbs and a light.

These will pay for themselves before the first batch are done using them. I'm a happy camper!

I considered waiting for the larger model, but I'd rather have the flexibility of 2 and I can always get a bigger one later. I have 70+ eggs due Saturday and I'm setting 100+ then, so it's not as if I won't look for the bigger one in June when it's available...

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