
I lost one of the Polar kids born on Easter I don't know if the cold got him or if he had something wrong with him he only lives for days.

@BantyChooks @duluthralphie Look! There are actually ducks on my pond! If you can see them in this cell phone photo I didn't want to get too close to the pond and scare them away. I've been here for years and all I get is a blue heron that visits regularly and the Canadian geese that pass through during the daytime and go to the big pond for the night.
Survived. 3 inches though. Clam chowder up along the coast of Oregon is also good.
We did! How about you? We didn’t get nearly as much as we anticipated, and we’re fine with it. It drizzled most of Friday, then we had some heavier rain Saturday afternoon, but it didn’t last long- per our daughter. We left town late Saturday morning and went to the city for the SF Flower & Garden show at the Cow Palace. The show was a ghost town, but the weather was beautiful, the company was great (sister & niece) and you just can’t beat the chowder! PJ
I lost one of the Polar kids born on Easter I don't know if the cold got him or if he had something wrong with him he only lives for days.

@BantyChooks @duluthralphie Look! There are actually ducks on my pond! If you can see them in this cell phone photo I didn't want to get too close to the pond and scare them away. I've been here for years and all I get is a blue heron that visits regularly and the Canadian geese that pass through during the daytime and go to the big pond for the night.
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Hi Dax, we also get the blue heron and Canadian geese. Pair of mallards are now down there. I’ve had Wood Duck couple years ago. Usually only a pair at a time.
Mercy! You're on a roll, and I totally agree; our's has become a throw-away society, but I do all I can in the opposite direction. DW gets on me 'cause I hold onto things that I think I may have a use for down the road. Admittedly, I may wind up tossing it years later, when I'v still not found a use for it, but it's been there, in case.

One thing I won't do is buy bottled water. Not only is it usually nothing more than regular tap water with chemicals added to it, but the bottles fill up the landfills at an alarming rate, even though there are companies that can reprocess the plastic into new plastic.

Regarding the gas cans, my only gripe with them is the nozzles. It seems each nozzle is made to only fit a single size can from a single manufacturer. And those non-spill nozzles that won't work unless you turn the collar at the bottom, and hold it in place, if they work at all. I usually end up taking the nozzle off and pouring gas into a funnel, or directly into the tank. I've never had a problem with the cans deteriorating from constant exposure, 'cause I keep them under the deck, in the barn where the mower & ATV are parked, or in the shed. Even when I was mowing for the public & usually had two 5-gal cans of gas on the trailer, the only damage I incurred was fading; never have had a leaker. The only steel can I remember having eventually sprung a leak in a bottom seam.

Ethanol-laced gasoline is a total waste as far as I'm concerned. It's supposed to lessen harmful emissions, but it doesn't. The simple facts are that ethanol gas doesn't yield as many mpg as leaded gas does, so the driver has to buy more gas to go the same distance, adding more emissions, although reduced, into the air, negating the supposed improvement in air quality. Also, leaded gas acts as a lubricant in engines, allowing them to run more efficiently on less fuel, and last longer. The only real benefit is to the pocketbooks of the fuel refiners, automobile manufacturers, and the government (in the form of the taxes on each gallon pumped). Oh!...BTW...where does that extra 1/10 of a cent (the result of the consumer having to pay an extra .9 cents / gal.) go?

My rant's longer than your's. Your turn.

You can buy the old style nozzles as replacement parts. I ran across them at a hardware store. Seen them online, too.

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