Bobwhite take quite a bit longer. They take about 2 1/2 months to mature and then another month before starting to lay eggs.
They are definitely two different unrelated animals. Coturnix are in the same family as pheasant but Bobwhite, like other new world like California and Mountain quail are in their own family. The several dozen species in this family are permanent residents throughout their range.
Coturnix can live in a cage but IMO Bobwhite need more room. One advantage of Bobwhite is that they will brood their own eggs/chicks. That's a benefit for homesteaders living off the grid.
I just remember hearing their unmistakable call almost daily when living on the farm.

Can someone explain what the attraction is to raising buttonquail?
I hear they make good pets due to their size and are easier to tame, but that’s about it.
Yes they do. I caught it red handed munching away. Wished I got a picture but I was just as surprised as it was when I found it. I’ve caught a few in the trap with just an egg. They much prefer pop corn not popped.
Funny just after I read this, someone posted on another group that they just witnessed a grey eating red young and the red momma was throwing a fit. Makes me look at them in a new way lol
excellent DAx!!

wow! nice felt work especially the flower.
I am going to be making some soap this weekend but not as fancy as yours first I had to do an ugly job of repairing one of the back steps. this is just the first layer period the guy at the home improvement store was like well why don't you just get new steps I don't know if that'll work when I went to get mortar. I said do you have the money?View attachment 2341981
Bobwhite take quite a bit longer. They take about 2 1/2 months to mature and then another month before starting to lay eggs.
They are definitely two different unrelated animals. Coturnix are in the same family as pheasant but Bobwhite, like other new world like California and Mountain quail are in their own family. The several dozen species in this family are permanent residents throughout their range.
Coturnix can live in a cage but IMO Bobwhite need more room. One advantage of Bobwhite is that they will brood their own eggs/chicks. That's a benefit for homesteaders living off the grid.
I just remember hearing their unmistakable call almost daily when living on the farm.

Can someone explain what the attraction is to raising buttonquail?

Nope, not worth the meat, or eggs, like eating squirrels :)
I sit here waiting for candle wax to cool so I can pour into candle tins. I had made wax melts and they sold out fast, I think I have Blueberry left! I had no idea they would go fast. The time testing them and candles takes forever. There is alot more to candles than I thought. Hot throw vs cold throw, types of wix and flames, it all has to blend perfect or risk someones house! at first I didnt think it worth it, but the more I burn and test the better I feel. I feel bad for those that make and sell candles that dont test them the way they should. :( I know it happens alot. A warning sticker on the bottom is rarely read I am sure.

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