EE (i think) pullet... right?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 27, 2011
Okay, so everyone called it 100% on my BA rooster. Now I'm wondering what you think about this one:

9 weeks. Ameracauna x Aruacana (i think that is what the breeder told me.) I swear the comb and wattles are pink sometimes, and redder other times. Could that be the heat? (I'm in Texas and we've been in the 100's a lot recently.) Her body is round, but the legs look thick. Purple coming in on the black feathers, but clearly not much of a tail, or saddle feathers. No crowing, and really no noise of any kind. For size comparison she's in with a BA of similar age, and a BR that is a 2-3 weeks older.








How old is it? Is it a bantam? It looks like a golden laced wyandotte cross, there's nothing that would say EE in that chicken. He/she is pretty though.
It looks like a bantam(?) Golden Laced Wyandotte/mix... The legs do look quite thick, and the comb and wattles look red and large... (I'm thinking out loud...
) If the BA and BR are the same age and older, then this one looks like a cockerel. Do you know how old it is?
As it says above, she's 9 weeks old. The BR is about 2 weeks older - but she's also much larger than the one in question. I think the second photo of just the two of them shows that more. The BA is probably around the same age, but could be younger. She was the trade in for my BA roo - so I don't know exactly when she hatched.

And I'd say the legs are more white or pinkish than yellow...

She's not SUPPOSED to be a bantam, but she does look kinda "stumpy," huh? Are bantam chicks smaller than standard chicks? If so then she's definitely not a bantam.

Anyone else?
Thanks, everyone! Gotta say I agree with the GLW roo opinions. Went back and looked at some baby photos too - and although he was chipmunk-y he was pretty dark along the back - making him look more GLW than EE. To top it all off, I think he may also be a bantam!

Back to the ranch he goes - hopeful I can swap him out for a nice colored egg layer!

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